Chapter 26 - Love and War

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Mando'a used in the chapter:

"K'oyacyi, cyar'ika." - "Come back safely, darling."

"Ni koya darasuum, ner cabur." - "I promise, my protector." or literally;  "I stay forever, my protector."

Pulling the bolt securely into its place I looked over the plate on the inside wall of the LAAT/i to make sure everything looked okay. The hangar bay was filled with mechanics rushing around to get parts or move on to a gunship that needed repairs. The bolters were constantly heard in the background, accompanied with the sounds of hammering, welding and testing. For someone not used to the sounds of a busy day here it would have been loud and obnoxious. But for me it was the perfect day, busy with lots to do and the sounds made me feel at home in a strange way. Feeling satisfied with my work I picked up my datapad from the floor and marked it complete in the mechanics log. As I did I felt two armour clad arms snake around my waist from behind and a soft breath on the side of my neck,

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you."

unconsciously I leaned back slightly against his chest as he spoke. I felt almost hypnotised by his mellow voice,

"How's work treating you, mesh'la?"

I shrugged gently in his arms,

"There's a lot, but I enjoy a busy day filled with fixing ships."

he let out a low and short chuckle at my response that made me turn around in his arms to face him,


snaking my own arms around his neck I studied his beautiful face as his eyes roamed around in mine,

"You're probably the only one I know that actually enjoys a busy day at work."

gently scratching his neck I could almost feel him becoming more and more relaxed by it,

"Well turns out, I know a Captain of the GAR who also, from time to time, enjoys a busy day at the office."

he quirked an eyebrow and smirked at me as his voice took on a faked intrigue,

"Oh? Is this Captain someone I might know?"


deciding to continue the game he carried on in feigned interest,

"Describe him to me, I might be able to name him."

smiling sweetly at Rex I removed one hand from his neck and used it to point out some key features of this "mysterious Captain",

"He's quite tall, strong shoulders, a strong jaw with defined cheekbones- oh and he's got these incredibly soft lips."

Rex's eyes involuntarily shifted their focus from my eyes to my lips as I went on describing him. My hand travelled between the features I mentioned and I noticed as I went along in my teasing voice, how his chest plate got more restricted from his restrained breathing. At the mention of his lips I had hooked my finger under his chin and slowly started to pull him closer to me to intertwine our lips. Usually the kisses we shared would be soft and slow, but this time there was something stronger involved. Rex made sure to pull me flush against him as he passionately kissed me.

"Maker I hope you guys don't do this everywhere."

breaking apart from the kiss at the sound of someone speaking up, we both whipped our heads to the left to see Chiller casually standing there. He cringed at the fact that he had caught his Captain making out with the chief mechanic in the LAAT/i. Rex straightened out and let go with one of his arms, yet kept one on the small of my back as he turned to Chiller,

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