1.112 "Trapped"

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At a military base. 

Maggie, Magda, Lydia,  Carol, Rosita and i were slowly let down from the glass ceiling into the hall of the  military base. 

A bunch of sleeping walkers were on the ground. We walked to some closed doors and Magda started to ick the lock. 

I heard a clinck of the lock and everybody froze. Magda opened the door and we walked into the hallway. 

We found the supplies we needed. 


We were back in the hall, slowly lifting up the supplies. Daryl, Jerry and Alden were on the ceiling pulling the ropes. 

I heard something rip and looked up. Daryl had managed to catch a bag, looks like the rope had ripped. 

My eyes widened when i saw blood from the cut in his arm running down his arm and landing on a sleeping walker. 

The walker started to growl and move. More started to wake up. 

My jaw dropped. oh fuck, we were trapped down here. 

Maggie and Carol started to shoot arrows at the walkers. 

We were all doing our bests to kill he walkers but it were just too many. The boys started to  helps us from upstairs. 

I tried one of the guns that was lying around but it was dead. 

Maggie had found a gun hat worked, good for her. 

Daryl yelled "Come on!"

Magda was the first to attack herself to the rope and was getting pulled up. Lydia was the next to go. 

Maggie looked at me "come on, Ken"

I shook my head "go! i'll go with the next line"

Maggie "Ken-"

Me "go!"

Maggie attached the hook to her belt and started to get pulled up. 

I looked around while killing walkers. 

Rosita yelled "come on, Ken!"

I grabbed the hook and attached it to my belt. 

I was being pulled up. 

I was half way up when i heard Rosita say "fuck"

The rope was slowly giving in. 

My eyes widened "guys!"

Alden "I'm already on it"

Me "Guys!"

I looked down and saw the army of walkers trying to reach for me. 

Suddenly the rope gave in and i cried out. 

Daryl was able to grab me though and pulled me up. 

I fell back on the ground, breathing out relieved. 

At Alexandria. morning. 

We walked in through the gates. Judith and R.J ran to me and hugged me. 

Judith "Kenny!"

I smiled and hugged them back. 

Judith let go of me and then ran to Daryl "Daryl"

Daryl smiled and picked her up, hugging. 

In the hall. 

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