1.66"I Want Him Back"

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The big trucks were all driving out of the gate and parking in front of the town.

Dad, Negan, myself and Negan's guys walked to the gate. Dad was still holding Lucille.

Negan "Hell of a place you got here, Rick"

I saw Michone outside of the wall inside of the fucked up house.

Dad saw her too "give me a second"

Negan turned to her and shook his head"no"

Dad "please, can you just...give me a second?"

Negan smirked and nodded.

Dad ran to her.

Negan smirked at me but i just looked unimpressed.

Me "What?"

Dwight "shut up"

I turned to him "Fuck off, bitch"

Dwight came at me but Negan held him back.

Negan "you don't want to come at my future wife"

I nearly chocked. I looked at Daryl who was standing next to Negan.

Me "future wife?"

Negan smirked "yes"

Me "I already have a man"

Negan tapped his chin, thinking "but for how long?"

I growled "if you hurt him then so help me god-"

Michone walked by. She had a dead deer around her shoulders. Dad followed her.

Negan cheered "look at this!"

Rick "i thought she was scavenging. She was hunting. This one never came inside. We kept it near the line"

He handed Negan an automatic.

Negan "look at this. This is something to build a relationship on. good for you, Rick. This is readin' the room and gettin' the message. I've said it before, i'm gonna say it again. You, sir...are special. "

Dad "Now that you know we can follow your rules..."

Negan "yes?"

Dad "...i'd like to ask you if Daryl can stay"

I looked at Dad and my jaw dropped.

Negan shook his head "not happenin'. You know what?. i don't know. Maybe Daryl can plead his case. Maybe Daryl can sway me."

We looked at Daryl but he just looked down.

Negan chuckled "Daryl?"

No answer.

Negan "well, you tried. Now what you got to do is get over that tall wall of yours and try harder out there. Earn from me. Because we're coming back soon, and when we do, you better have something interesting for us, or Lucille, she's gonna have her way. I want you to hear that again. If you don't have something interesting for us....somebody's gonna die. And no more magic guns. Arat, grab that deer. It's getting late. Let's go home."

Michonne dropped that deer and walked away.

Negan "Man, i love a gal that buys me dinner and doesn't expect me to put out. "

then he chuckled and turned around to his truck but stopped.

I raised an eyebrow.

He turned back to me "how about a deal. You come with me, become my wife and i will let Daryl go. You for Daryl. "

Dad shook his head "no!"

I nodded "okay"

Negan "yes or no? or should we let Daryl choose? hm?"

He turned to Daryl.

Negan "what do you say ? She comes with me and you get to stay here ?"

We all looked at Daryl.

He shook his head.

Negan nodded "all right"

Then he got in his truck. The others, including Daryl, got in the trucks and then they drove off.

I turned to Dad, pissed off "Why the hell didn't you let me go!"

Dad asked irritated "and become his wife? have you lost your mind?!"

Me "but Daryl would've been here now!"

Dad "Your man would be here while you would be getting married to another man!"

Me "I would've figured something out"

Dad "Daryl would have never forgiven me if i let something happen to you"

Me "I will never forgive myself if anything happens to him. Not when i could've stopped it"

Then i walked back into my house with tears in my eyes.

I walked into my room. Carl was sitting there with Judith.

He saw my tears. He sat Judith on my bed and walked to me. He hugged me. I hugged him back and started to cry.

I sobbed "i want him back"

Carl kissed my hair "we will get him back, Keni, i promise"

Love In Hell (D.D.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon