1.7 "Sophia!"

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We have been driving for days now and it was annoying me.

After a couple of miles our truck had broken down so Daryl and i had to take the motorcycle. I had my arms around his torso. it was still strange because neither of us has made any effort to talk about our night together but hey...no regrets.

After a while we got on a highway but it was blocked with cars.

Everywhere were cars!

Daryl stopped the and turned around with the bike. The caravan stopped.

He stopped by Dale's driver side.

Dale drove down the window "See a way through?"

Daryl shrugged and turned around and tried to drive through the cars. we slowly lead the caravan through the mess of cars.

Me "There is no way through"

Daryl drove through till we heard a crazy noise. he stopped the bike. I got off and looked around. The RV was smoking under the hood. again.

I sighed "The RV is dead. again"

Shane walked to me and shook his head "Don't say that"

Dale "I said it. Sooner or later it had to happen"

I added "again"

Daryl opened a car trunk and took some candy out.

Me "We could search for food and water. I mean, this is a graveyard but still..."

Daryl took some gummy bears out.

I looked at him "Those are mine so don't even think about eating them, Dixon"

He looked at me and threw the gummy bears at me. I sat down on the bike and opened the pack.

Then I started to eat some.

I looked around "hey, Carl"

He looked at me.

I took one bear out and threw it at him "Catch"

He caught it with his mouth.
Sophia cheered. I walked around and searched for something useful.

I was walking next to Daryl.

Suddenly i heard a moaning and groaning.

I looked around alarmed and saw a few walkers tripping through the "graveyard".

My eyes widened when i realized that those few belonged to a herd "Daryl"

He looked at me and saw the walkers too. Behind him i saw how T-Dog sliced his arm on a car window.

I nudged Daryl "D."

He looked at me and i nodded at T-Dog.

Then he looked at the walkers and then at T-Dog.

Daryl whispered "get under the car. Now"

I nodded and rolled underneath a car and held my knife close.

i saw the walkers passing by. Hopefully the others got to safety under the cars before the herd got them.


The herd was over.

I rolled out and got up. I put my knife back on my belt. Everyone was standing on the side of the road. Shocked.

Carol was crying.

I asked confused "What happened?"

Carl "Sophia ran into the woods"

My jaw dropped "What?"

Carl "Dad went after her"

I was going to ran after her but someone held me back.

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