1.68 Caught

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The car had stopped and we hid behind the boxes. The two guys sat on the edge of the trunk taking a break.

Suddenly they got back to the front and started driving again.

i saw a statue and whispered "I think we're close"

Jesus opened a box of syrup and poured it on the road, making a trail.

I took a deep breath.

Jesus "We should bail out, follow the rest of the way, see what we can see"

Carl "How?"

Jesus "it isn't usually the fall that gets us. It's trying to fight with it or roll with it.  The truck's going slow enough. We'll be in the blind spot. We can race behind one of the other cars. "

Carl "I-i-if----if i screw up and we get caught--"

Jesus "It'll be fine. We just got to go now."

Carl "okay. Show me first"

Jesus nodded and jumped out.

I looked at Carl "Carl, you're next"

Carl didn't move.

Me "Carl!"

Then it hit me.

I groaned annoyed "you have got to be kidding me"

Carl hissed "don't tell me you weren't thinking about it too"

Me "Either you jump now or i will kick your ass out of this trunk"

Carl wanted to say something but got cut off by groaning.

I looked outside.

We were driving through gates.

There were walkers chained on cars.

Carl held me an AK out.

I raised an eyebrow at him and took it.

There was a box full off weapons.

Carl grabbed himself an AK.

Suddenly the car stopped and we heard Negan's voice.

I froze.

Negan "okay, boys, let's get this haul unloaded and inside. I want to get back in there and unload a little myself"

I rolled my eyes.

Man "Negan, need to talk to you about redirect"

Negan "What about redirect?"

Carl and i hid behind the boxes.

Man "it got screwed up. We're on it now, but it's a mess out there"

Negan "and whose job was that?"

George "...a pack and a tent..aw, damn. I thought they packed this up tight"

They opened the plastic jalousie.

I gulped.

Negan "ah, no worries. Plenty more where this came from"

Then a man jumped in "right"

He grabbed a box but the box opened itself from underneath and everything flew to the ground. It was the alcohol.

There was broken glass and liquid everywhere.

Man "Son of a Bitch!"

Then he saw us "what the hell?"

Carl shot the guy.

Then we walked to the opening.

Carl called out "stay back! Drop your weapons. I only want Negan"

I jumped out of the trunk and to the ground.

Carl "He killed my friends. No one else needs to die. "

Then we heard a whistle. Negan.

Negan chuckled "Damn.You are adorable"

He walked behind one of his guys and used him as shield "did you pick that gun 'cause it looks cool? You totally did, right? Kid, i ain't gonna lie..you scare the shit outta me"

Carl shot one of his guys.

Suddenly he got pushed to the ground by Dwight who aimed a gun at my brother.

I held my knife against Dwight's throat "one move and i will slit open your throat"

Negan looked at me with an annoyed look "wifey, what the hell are your doing ? put that knife down"

Me "tell your man to back off"

Negan looked at me "Dwight. Back off"

Dwight moved away from my brother and took Carl's knife away.

Then he held his hand out to me.

I raised an eyebrow "wanna loose that hand?"

Dwight went to say something but Negan cut him off.

Negan "Let her. That's not a way to treat our guests"

I helped Carl up.

Negan "welcome. Come on, i will show you around"

Carl didn't move.

Negan "you know, you do the same damn stink-eye as your dad, except it's only half as good 'cause...Well, you know, you're...Missing an eye"

I rolled my eyes.

Negan "Really? you're not gonna come with me?"

I looked at Carl and whispered "listen to him"

Suddenly he looked at something over my shoulder behind me and froze "Ken"

I turned around and my heart broke.

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