1.11 Who's Gonna Play Bait

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I was sitting next to Dad on the porch.

Daryl walked past us but Dad stopped him.

Dad stood up "Daryl, you okay on your own?"

Daryl nodded "I'm better on my own. I'll be back before dark"

He began to walk again.

Dad yelled  "Hey!"

Daryl stopped.

Dad "We got a base. We can get this search properly organized now."

Daryl asked annoyed "you gotta point or are we just chattin'?"

Dad "my point is to let you off the hook. You don't owe us anything. "

Daryl turned around and walked away "my other plans fell through"

Dad looked at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and walked to Dale and T-dog who were on a well.

Me "Need help?"

T-dog was sweating like an animal.

Suddenly i heard something moaning and growling. I walked to the well. There was a hole in the wood that was supposed to cover it.

i yelled "Guys!"

They didn't hear me.

T-Dog was going to drinking from the water.

Me "shit"

I took my shoe off and threw it at T-Dog. It hit him right in the stomach. 

He let the cup fall and looked at me shocked  "The hell, Kendall!!?"

Me "Don't drink it"

He gave a a confused look but then it hit him and he looked at the wood.


We all looked into the well.

Dale "looks like we got us a swimmer. "

Glenn "how long do you think it's been down there?"

Mom "long enough to grow gills. we can't leave it in there. god knows what it's doing in the water"

Shane "we gotta get it out"

T-Dog nodded  "easy. Shoot a bullet in its head"

Maggie grimaced "Wow, guys, no."

Glenn asked confused "Why not? it's a good plan"

I shook my head "Stupid plan. If we shoot it in the head, and it hasn't infected the water yet, then sure as hell it will then."

Shane nodded "She's right. Can't risk it."

T-Dog "Then, we gotta get it out alive?"

I nodded "Well, and how do we plan on doing that?"


Shane held a stick in the well who had a piece of flesh on a string.

I looked down. The thing didn't give two shits about it.

Me "It doesn't give two shits"

T-Dog "because a steak doesn't run and scream, when you try to eat it."

Mom nodded "He's right. There's a reason that dead didn't come back to life and began to raid out cupboards. "

I smirked "So who is going to play bait?"

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