1.14 Shane Gone Mad

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Next day. Morning.

The camp members were all sitting outside in a circle eating breakfast. There was still tension between Mom and Dad. Obviously.

I was sitting next to Carl.

Glenn stood up and we all looked at him.

I took a bite of my apple.

Glenn took a deep breath "Guys, barn's full of walkers"

Everyone froze.


we walked to the barn.

Shane walked to the doors and looked in through the slit. We all could hear moaning and groaning coming from the inside.

Then he walked back to Dad, pissed off "you cannot tell me you are alright with this"

Dad shook his head "no, no, i'm not but we are guests here. This isn't our land"

Shane "These are our lifes!"

I yelled "Shane!"

Shane "We need to go in there and make things right or we need to go. We've been talking about Fort Benning for a long time now. "

Dad shook his head"We can't go"

Shane "Why?"

Carol "Because my daughter is still out there. "

Shane nodded "okay. i think it's time for us to consider the other possible-"

Dad "Shane! we are not leaving Sophia behind"

Daryl "i was close on finding her. I found her damn doll 2 days ago"

Shane nodded "Yeah, Daryl. That's what you found. A Doll."

Daryl "You don't know what ya talking about!"

Shane "i just said what's need to be said"

He was losing his mind.

Dad tried to calm him down.

Shane "Let me tell you something else, man. If she would still be out there and saw you coming with geek ears around your neck, she would've ran in the other direction, man"

Daryl yelled"shut up!"

Suddenly he came at Shane but Dad got in between them. Suddenly everyone was trying to hold them back.

I put a hand on Daryl's chest and pushed him back.

Dad "Back off, Shane!"

Shane to Mom "get your hands off me"

Dad" just let me talk to Hershel. Let me figure it out"

Shane "and what are you figuring out?!!!"

Dad "if we gonna stay and clear the barn, i have to talk him into it. This is his land. "

Dale "Hershel sees those things in there as people....Sick people....his wife, his step-son"

Dad looked at him "You knew?"

Dale nodded "yesterday i talked to Hershel. "

Shane asked pissed off "and you waited the night ?"

Dale "i thought we can survive on more night. We did. I was waiting till this morning to say something but Glenn wanted to be the one."

Sahen "this man is crazy, Rick. If Hershel thinks those things are LIVING THEN-"

I screamed "SHUT UP!! ALL OF YOU!!!"

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