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In the woods. morning.

Maggie "wait. Take a minute, then we're almost there. About three miles out."

Negan"   You can't be serious. Daryl just told us to go home."

Maggie shook her head "I didn't hear that."

Negan "Well, I think he was being subtle. He said they were armed with lookouts."

Maggie "And Daryl knows I would never turn back"

Negan "How're you gonna keep going, Maggie, huh? With what army? Come on, Gabe, back me up here."

Gabriel "Our people are about to starve. I'm not going back to my family having failed."

Negan groaned out "Oh, Jesus. At least admit what you're asking of us — walking to our deaths for what, a sack of beans? "

Maggie "If you're more interested in saving yourself than protecting the people back home, you can go.We don't need you."

Negan "We both know that's not true."

I looked at him. 

Negan looked at me before sighing "Alright, tell you what. You make me a promise — in front of the goddamn preacher — and I will stick around."

Maggie "Promise you what?"

Negan"I do this for you, and we're even, we are good. I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder."

Maggie "We will never be even."

Negan "Then you are gonna be down a soldier that you desperately need. Your call."

Maggie "You'd take a promise from me? Really?"

Negan nodded "Yeah. Who wouldn't? I'm assuming you are a woman of your word. I've always been a man of mine."

He held his hand out and Maggie shook it. 

I saw a walker coming closer. 

Maggie looked at the walker and sighed.

Elijah looked down. 

Maggie "It's his sister's best friend. Teresa. She was just a kid. We have to get them."


Negan was teaching Maggie and i on how to become a whisperer-with masks and shit. 

It's disgusting.


I walked over to Maggie and leaned against the tree "He's changed, you know"

She shook her head "We can't know that."

Me "He's helpful."

Maggie "He would be, long as there's something in it for him. You know that as good as i do"

Me "So, your promise?"

Maggie "I hope I can keep it."


I walked over to Negan and took a sip of my bottle before sitting down "Maggie, said you wanted to talk to her?"

Negan "I'm not a robot, Ken. It sucks to see your friends as walkers. And that would be enough. But she is about to do some crazy shit and break into a community that she built and lost."

Me "Your community and hers were lost in very different ways."

Negan "You think I don't understand the losing side of a massacre?"

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