1.92 "You Left Me!"

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At Hilltop. 

We walked in. everyone looked at us but their faces dropped when they saw Jesus' body. Siddiq rushed to us. Tara walked to the body and put a hand on Jesus' back, in tears. Daryl and Magna pulled the body from the horse.


Daryl and i were escorting the girl to the basement. 

Tammy "Is this who did it? "

I shook my head "No. One of her people. "

Tammy "You lockin' her up? "

Tara "We're getting answers. "

Tammy " And then what? Tara, Jesus trusted you, so we're all lookin' to you now. But people are gonna want justice for this. And when that time comes, we're gonna look to you for that, too. "

Tara nodded "I know. "

We walked downstairs into the cellar. There was already someone here. Henry. 

The hell was Henry doing here?

I walked over to the other cell and opened the cell door. 

Daryl shoved the girl inside " Get inside. "

I shoved the woman in the extra room and onto a chair "No more bullshit!"

She looked at us scared.


The girl cried out " I already told you... "

Me "you didn't tell me shit! How many more of you are there? "

The girl pleaded "They're all dead. My family's dead. Please just stop. "

I shook my head "Not until you start answering our questions. Your name. Start with your name."

She sighed " I told you, I don't have one. None of us do. None of us did. That's not how it worked."

I crossed my arms over my chest " Then how did it work?"

Daryl " Why do you wear their skins? "

no answer. 

Daryl snarled "Answer! "

She sobbed out "They were... They were good people. We were good. It's what we did to live. That's... That's all we wanted to do. Live."

Me " Oh, you're saying you had to do this? "

She shook her head "you wouldn't understand. "

Me "Then make us understand. What the hell were you doing? "

The girl "We... We were just trying to see if they were good people, too. But then you attacked us, and now they're dead. They're all dead. And I don't have anything. "

Me "What did your people know about us? Do they know about this place? "

She sobbed out "" I don't know. - I don't know. I don't know anything. They didn't tell me anything. Please stop asking me. Just leave me alone, please. Please just leave me alone. "

She was a crying mess. 


I shook my head "I don't trust a word coming out of her mouth. "

Daryl "We'll get it out of her. "

Michonne "We try again in the morning. But without me. Taking my people back first thing. Can't risk them not knowing about this back home."

I nodded " Okay. Thanks... for being here and for helping. "

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