1.23 Apology

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We were all sitting on the field around a fire. Dad was still a bit pissed off because of me. And Daryl didn't even look at me anymore. Great. 

Dad was making his 100th round around the fence. And Daryl was standing on the fliped truck being on watch.

It was silent. 

I was sitting next to mom.

Suddenly i felt arms around me and i jumped a bit.

Carl "I'm sorry"

I sighed and leaned back against him "It's alright."

Carl "Why did you react like that?"

I turned my head to him „you know i get pissed off when someone mentions his name"

Carl asked confused "What do you mean with how he really was?"

I sighed "You're too young for that"

Carl groaned annoyed and sat down next to me.

Hershel looked at me with a you-should-apologize-for-your-actions- look.

I sighed "Guys"

They looked at me.

I took a deep breath "I'm sorry for being a reckless bitch, alright? It was a silly fight between siblings"

They nodded understanding.

Mom nudged me „you should apologize to Daryl"

She nodded at Daryl. I sighed.

T- Dog "Tomorrow we'll pull the bodies together. We could dig a canal under the fence to get fresh water. "

I grabbed a piece of flesh and bit in it.

Well, after my suicide mission, Daryl was pissed off and went hunting. Now we all were eating owl and squirrel.

Hershel "The earth is good. We could plant some seed, grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soyabeans. "

Then he nodded to Dad "That's his third round, if there was any broken fence he would've seen it by now. "

I stood up. I took a plastic plate and put some owl-flesh on it.

Then I walked to the truck.

 Daryl heard me coming and turned to me. 

Then he reached down to help me up.

I held the plate out "I know it's not much but hopefully enough to be considered a peace offer"

He raised an eyebrow at me.

I sighed "Carl pissed me off, alright? That's why i was acting like a bitch. "

Daryl took it and eat it all at once. Well, it wasn't that much either.

He put the plate down, still not talking.

Me " I don't know what this between us is, but i don't want this to end but if you think otherwise then just sa- "

He grabbed my waist, pulled me to him and kissed me. 

I smiled and kissed back. i put my arms around his neck.

Daryl muttered into the kiss "stop talkin'"

He then broke the kiss.

I smirked at him.

Daryl "They could've shot you down there"

Me "I was too pissed to care"

Daryl " I cared"

I froze and sighed.

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