Nuns with Guns

526 17 3

I was resting on the end up the tub.

Daryl's hand was massaging my calf.

The door opened and Isabelle walked in.

Good that the water was covering my boobs.

Isabelle walked over to us and sat down on the chair next to the tub.

Then she turned to me " May I see your head? "

I nodded and put my head to the other side. I had a wound on my hair line from when that bitch Maribelle That had knocked me unconscious.

Isabelle put something on the wound "It's honey garlic. To fight infection. "

Daryl looked at the wall covered in crosses "I see you've kept all your options open. "

Isabelle chuckled "Over the years, our abbey has become part of a group called l'Union de l'Espoir Means "union of hope." Open to all messages of faith and perseverance. We believe humanity is enduring a test from which we will soon be delivered. "

Daryl "Yeah, I never put much stock in, uh... "

Isabelle "God? Mm-hmm. Well, He put stock in you."

Daryl sat up in the tub.

Isabelle " These scars on your back? "

Daryl "Daddy was a smoker."

Isabelle " You have siblings? "

Daryl nodded "Mm-hmm. Used to. A brother. "

Then she looked at me.

Me "had a little brother and a little sister"

Daryl saw the scars on her wrist "Looks like you have some, too. "

Isabelle stood up, tensed"Parish priest used to say that our scars show that we have suffered, but more importantly, that we have healed from our suffering. You ought to get some air. I'll wait outside. "

Then she walked out.


Daryl and i were following Isabelle around.

Isabelle "Across the courtyard is where the sisters live. No men allowed. "

Me "What about the little boy I saw? "

Isabelle "Laurent grew up here. With us. He was orphaned. "

The other nuns looked at him.

Isabelle "They're afraid of you. "

Daryl "we'll be gone soon."

We walked into a weapon room.

Isabelle" Medieval churches often had weapons rooms. "

Daryl "You needed them back then. "

Isabelle "Makes sense. We've trained ourselves to use them, just in case. "

Daryl "Killer nuns, huh? "

I rolled my eyes.

Daryl "Well, we can defend ourselves if we need to. "

Isabelle "Père Jean was a collector. His grandfather fought in the Maquis. "

Daryl walked into a room.

Isabelle "That's Père Jean's office."

Daryl " You know how to use that radio?"

Isabelle " It's been a while since I managed to reach anyone on it."

Daryl " You mind if I give it a try? "

Isabelle nodded "Sure, once you get better. "

Daryl nodded and walked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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