1.121 "Railway"

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At a railway. 

Daryl was watching the train "There's six of 'em. "

Me " You think we can follow it without them seeing us? "

Daryl nodded "I think we hang back far enough, we'll be fine."

i froze "Daryl"

Daryl " They got Connie."

We were able to hear the trooper since i had stolen one of their radios. 

Trooper: Guy's saying I have to put an exile on here. It's a cargo transport and against regs. Over."

 Man " It's been cleared from up on high. She's not gonna be a worker. She's designation two. "

trooper "Oh, sh¡t. "

Man "Yeah, exactly. Get her there safely. "

Trooper "Copy that. "

Me "What's "designation two"? "

Daryl "We can't go get her. They'll radio ahead. We'll go find the kids. "

Me "Hey. We'll hang back, and we'll follow it to the others, and we're gonna bust them out all at once. "

The Train stared to move again. 


Daryl and i were following them in the car. 

He snapped "Damn it!"

Me " Just get ahead of it."

at a cabin. 

Me " Train's gotta hit that junction. We should just sit tight until it does. "

Daryl shook his head " I don't think I can do that."

Me " Do what? "

Daryl grabbed his crossbow "Sit tight. "

Me "Daryl. Hey."

I blocked his way to get into the car " When I saw Connie get on that train, and I saw the door shut, I thought the same thing that you did. "

Daryl "What's that? "

Me "The cave. "

He looked down. 

Me " Do you remember what Kelly said the minute her sister was gone? "

Daryl " "We can't save them if we're dead." "

I nodded "We can play this however you want. But if we go it alone, we might be making the same mistakes again. please"

He nodded "okay"

I grabbed his hand that was on his thigh. 


Daryl and i were driving again. 

Me "Is that Maggie?"

Daryl pulled over and i saw Maggie sitting there holding a walker.

At the cabin. 

Maggie's voice broke "They just ripped him away from me. I wasn't strong enough.  I hate not knowing. It's worse. I shouldn't have... I shou... "

I shook my head " This is not on you. You are just one person."

Maggie sobbed out " Doesn't matter. It's on me. "

I hugged her "you know, when we were all given the chance to join the Commonwealth Daryl and i had a fight. He was gonna join them because he didn't trust them but i refused to join them. He asked me to let Judith go with him. He knew that it was safe there and i knew he would protect her "

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