1.5 The CDC

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The gate opened and i pressed Carl closer to me. 

There was this bright white light

Dad "Come on! come on!"

We all rushed inside.
Dad, Shane and Daryl held their guns/crossbow up. 

I looked around.

There was a voice "Hello?"

Glenn aimed at the man in front of us.

The man aimed a shotgun at us "Anybody infected?"

Dad "one of our group was. He didn't make it."

Man "Why are you here? What do you want?"

Dad "A chance"

Man "That's asking for a lot these days"

Dad sighed "i know"

The man looked at us.

Man "You have to do a blood test first. That's the price for permission to enter."

Dad nodded "We can do that"

Man "You also need to bring your stuff in right now. Once these doors are closed they stay closed"

The guys ran out and brought our stuff inside.

Then he closed the doors. 

Daryl brought in my bag.

I walked over to him, surprised "Thank you"

Daryl nodded and gave it to me. Then i saw something on his back that looked like my knife holder. But it was dark so it could've been anything.

We walked into an elevator and it went down.

The door opened and we walked out of the lift. We walked through a corridor. 

Carol "Are we underground?"

Dr. Jenner "Why? Are you claustrophobic?"

Carol shrugged nervously "a little"

Dr. Jenner "Try not to think about it"

We walked into a big room/hall.

Dr. Jenner "V.I., turn on the light in this room"

The lights went on.

Doc "Welcome to zone 5."

Dad looked around "Where is everybody?"

Doc "Just me. It's just me here"

I looked around and it looked like a lab. 

Mom "What about the person you were speaking with?"

Andrea "V.I.?"

Doc. "V.I., say Hallo to our guests"

V.I. "Welcome. Hello, Guests. "

Doc. "I'm all that's left. I'm sorry."

Then he walked into a room. One by one. He was taking our blood. 

My turn.

I walked into the room and sat down.

I took a deep breath  "Let's get this over with"

Then I stretched my arm out. He put the needle in my vein. I saw my blood in the syringe.

Dr. Jenner took the needle out of my arm "Thank you"

Me "your welcome"

I stood up and walked out.

Daryl walked past me in.


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