1.47 Rabid Dogs

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We buried Beth's body. It was hard and heartbreaking but it had to be done.

The mood was the dead but no one cared.

We started a campfire on empty parking lot. I was sitting in the open trunk of a van. I looked at my arm.
I heard someone sitting down next to me. I didn't even have to look at him to know it was Daryl.

Daryl put a hand on my leg " we need to fix your arm"

I looked at him.

His eyes were red.

I turned to him so that he could reach my right arm.

He carefully took the belt off. Then he slowly took the bandana off. It burned.

I hissed in pain and pressed my hand on his thigh.

Then he grabbed a water bottle and opened it.

Me " alcohol would be better"

He nodded " This gonna hurt like a bitch"

I nodded.

Then he poured some water on my wound to clean it. I closed my eyes and held back a cry by biting my lip.

Daryl then took the first aid kit out of the bag and bandaged my wound.

I looked at him the whole time.

He put the kid down.

i hugged him.

He tensed for a second but then relaxed and returned the hug.

I sighed when he buried his face in my neck.

No words needed to be said.

Next day.

Dad, Glenn, Michonne, T and Noah left. Dad wanted to bring Noah back to his town. Noah said it's what Beth wanted to do.

Later that day they came back. It hit Tyreese, deadly. We lost another one.

Sasha was done with this world and so was Maggie.

We all were standing outside of the woods. We opened a grave for T and put him in there. Then we put a white blanket over his body.

Everyone then put some earth on his body.

Again, no words were needed.

3 weeks later.

We started to drive again. Everyone in one big van.

It was getting hot in here and I had trouble to breath.

Me " guys, can be take a break? It- it's too hot in here and y'all aren't really smelling like peaches "

Dad stopped the car in the middle of the road.

We all got out and I sat down on the ground. I took deep breath

Daryl, Sasha and Maggie then left to find water.

They came back with nothing.

everybody got back into that damn thing and we started driving again. I was sitting by a window. It was open but useless.


Dad stopped the car and sighed " We're out, just like the other one. So we walk. "

Then again everybody got out and grabbed their stuff and we began to walk.

I saw Dad walking on the front with Daryl and Judith on his arms.

I walked to them " Dad, hey, let me carry her"

Dad shook his head" no. Your arm"

I shot him a look "i'm fine"

Daryl " I'm gonna run out."

Dad nodded" don't take too long"

Daryl nodded and gave Dad the gun leaving himself with his Crossbow.

Me " I'm coming with you"

Daryl shook his head" no"

Me " I wasn't asking"

Daryl rolled his eyes and we walked into the woods.

I looked around " you see anything?"

Daryl shook his head " no, it's too dry"

I stopped and turned to him "okay, enough"

Daryl asked annoyed " what?"

Me " I know what you're doing"

Daryl shrugged, shaking his head " don't know what you're talking a about "

Me" The day Carl got shot. The night before we left the highway for the farm. I was with you the night in the woods because I wanted to take my mind off. Didn't want to feel the pain it brought me not knowing about Carl's situation. You're doing the same now"

Daryl looked down.

I walked to him and put a hand on his chest " I know what she meant to you, D. You need to let yourself feel that "

Daryl didn't look at me.

I kissed his cheek and headed back.

Suddenly i got turned around by my wrist.

Daryl put his other hand on my cheek and kissed me.

I kissed him back.

Then I broke the kiss and smiled at him.

I grabbed his hand we walked back. The others were standing on a bridge and killing walkers. A walker was behind Dad and grabbing his arm.

Daryl was faster and ripped him off my father.

I took my blades out and killed two or three.

Everyone was dead and we started walking again.


After a while we stopped. There were cars blocking the road.

Daryl " I'm gonna head back into the woods. Circle back"

Dad nodded.


we were all sitting on the ground.

Tara "That's the only thing we found? Booze?"

Rosita nodded "yep"

I looked at Abraham who was taking a sip of his Booze "It won't help him"

Rosita nodded "he knows that"

Tara "It only makes it worse"

Rosita nodded "yep"

Daryl came back and sat down next to me.

I leaned on him.

He kissed my hair, whispering " you know how to get under my skin"

I smirked " I know"

Suddenly we heard dogs growling. We turned around. Daryl pushed me behind him and took his knife out. So did dad and Glenn.

Rabid dogs.

Suddenly the dogs fell to the ground. We all looked at Sasha. She had shot the dogs.
I sighed.

Dad stood up and started to make a fire.

We were going to eat dog.


We all started eating like it was the best thing ever.

Honestly, it didn't taste that bad.

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