1.21 Stranded

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After a while.

Suddenly i heard the carhorn. Daryl stopped the bike on the middle of the road. The others stopped too.

Daryl and i turned around.

They got out of the cars.

Daryl asked Dad"you out?"

Dad nodded.

Maggie shook her head  "We can't stay here."

Glenn " we can't all fit in one car."

Dad "then we gotta make some runs for gas in the morning"

Carol "Spend the night here?"

Carl whined "i'm freezing"

Mom "We'll build a fire, yeah?"

Daryl "i'm going around looking around for firewood. stay close"

Dad took his jacket off and offered it to me because he saw me freezing. 

I shook my head and nodded at Carl. 

Dad "Ken-"

I shook my head"Carl is freezing more than i am"

He nodded. 

I saw Daryl taking his jacket off. 

He handed it to me. 

I sighed "Da-"

Daryl "I'm not even cold"

I nodded and put it on. It was big on me but it also was so warm. 

Maggie "We can't just sit here with our asses hanging out"

Hershel "Watch you mouth. everyone stop panicking and listen to Rick"

Dad nodded "Alright, let's create a perimeter. In the morning let's search for some gas and supplies. We keep pushing on"

Maggie "Glenn and i could go now and take some gas."

Dad shook his head"no, no we stay together. God knows what happens when people get stranded without a car"

Glenn "Rick, we're stranded now"

Dad nodded "i know it looks bad, we've all been through hell and worse but at least we found each other. I wasn't sure...i really wasn't but we made it. We are together. We keep it that way. There's gotta be a place. "

I sighed "Dad, there are walkers everywhere we turn. You can't even pee in peace without fearing that a Walker could show up and bite you "

Dad "there's gotta be a place and not just a place -"

Me "Somewhere safe"

Dad nodded "i know it's out there. We just need to find it. "

Maggie "even if we find a place, we would never be sure for how long?look what happened with the farm. we fooled ourselves with thinking that it was safe. "

Hershel shook his head"i'm not making this mistake again"

Dad "we'll make a camp tonight. over there. We can get off the road at the end of the day. "

He pointed at a little quarry. 

Me "you sure?"

Beth "What if walkers are coming by or a group like Rendall's?"

Daryl "You know, i found Rendall, right? He's turned but wasn't bit. "

Dad looked at me.

I sighed " they have to know, Dad"

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