1.8 White Church

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Next day.

We were standing around Dad. I was still pissed off at mom and Carol. Neither of them has even looked at me since yesterday and honestly, I am glad about that.
 Carl had found hunter weapons in some of the cars, Like knifes and hand axes and stuff like that.

Dad "Everyone takes one"

Andrea eyed them  "These are not that kind of weapons we need."

Shane sighed "We've been over that. Ken, Daryl, Rick and i are carrying guns. Can't have people run around pulling the trigger"

Andrea shook her head  "Not the trees i'm worry about"

Shane snapped  "and what if a herd is passing by while someone pulls the trigger? It means game over for all of us, alright?. So you need to get over it"

Andrea asked irritated  "Why does Kendall have one ?"

Shane gestured for me to explain it to her. 

I rolled my eyes, annoyed "my father was a sheriff's deputy. Don't you think that he taught  me how to protect myself?  Besides, Shane started teaching me when i was younger than Carl"

Shane nodded "And i know that she's only gonna use a gun if it's necessary. She's good with the knives, she can carry a gun if she wants"

Dad "Keep space between you but keep in sight of each other"

Then we began to walk to the wood. I was walking on the front next to Daryl. I saw a tent behind some trees.

I looked at Daryl and he saw it too.

We stopped walking.

Daryl "she could be in there"

Shane, Dad, Daryl and i walked to the tent. 

Dad "Carol"

She walked to us.

Dad "Call her softly. Your voice should be the first she should hear"

Carol "Sophia, sweetie. You in there?. Sophia, it's mommy. Sophia, we're all here, baby. It's mommy."

Shane and Dad opened it and it smelled disgusting. 

I covered my mouth and gagged a little  "the hell?"

There was a dead walker in there.
Daryl walked in and grabbed the gun that was lying there.

Suddenly we heard a church bell ring.
We all looked into the direction before running over there.

There was a white church.

We broke in and a few walkers turned to us. The guys killed them. Then the bell rang again. we ran outside and Glenn turned the timer of the bell off.

Daryl "it's on time"

Carol looked like she was about to throw up "i'm going in for a bit"

The she walked inside .

Dad and Shane had decided to do a run to look for her and for food. 

Carl "I want to go with you"

Mom looked at me.

I smirked "Come on, role model"

mom took a deep breath and nodded  "okay, just be careful"

Carl hugged me.
I saw Mom and Dad hug and looked at Shane. 

He looked a bit jealous. He looked at me and i threw him a wink.

Then i looked at dad "be careful, both of you"

He nodded and hugged me.

Dad offered mom a gun  "Here take that. Remember how to use it?"

 Mom shook her head "i won't take your gun leaving you unarmed. "

Daryl gave mom the gun he found in the tent "take it. I've one. take it."

Andrea scoffed offended because no one wanted to give her a gun.
I just smirked.

We walked into the woods.


Suddenly Carol stopped  "this is it? This is the plan?"

She sat down on a fallen tree.

Andrea "carry knifes and sticks"

She looked at mom "i see you have a gun"

I groaned annoyed and offered her my gun "okay, I've had it. Every fucking person here knows you're crying for a gun, thing is, no one wants you to have a god damned gun. So would you just shut up and take it like an adult instead of crying like a child that wants candy?"

She looked at the gun and grabbed it.

Mom to Carol "Honey, i can't imagine what you are going through but you gotta stop blaming Ken and Rick. It is in your face every time you look at them. They went after her in a second. I don't know if anyone would've done it"

Me" I'd be the last to stop you."

They looked at us.

Me „Nobody of us is perfect. You do get that Dad is looking for her, right? I mean, he could just stop and we could leave but no. Know why? Because he is searching for your responsibility. And if that's not enough for you then go and do what you should've done the second she ran away. Look for your daughter yourself instead of crying !""

Mom shook her head  "nobody is stopping you"

I froze surprised when Mom defended me. 

Carol took a sip of her water bottle.

Andrea walked to me and i looked at her. 

Then she gave me my gun back "we should keep moving"

We began to walk. 

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