1.97 "I. Love.You.Princess"

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A few months later. 

It's been months since the attack and neither of us had really forgotten what had happened. It was getting colder outside. Daryl and i...well, i have no clue what we were. I guess, we are trying to get close again but...i don't know. The last time Daryl and i were close was 6 years ago. A long time ago. He was now taking care of Lydia. And even if i like it or not i am support him. Because i love that stubborn son of a bitch. 

EVERYONE walked out of the Kingdom. We had decided to abandon the Kingdom since it was clear that the Skins knew were it was. It was too big of a risk to stay here. I hate the cold.

Michonne "No one can agree on what to do next. And the Council cannot come to any security resolutions? "

Yumiko "Everyone's still reeling, between Jesus, Tara, and the others we lost. "

Michonne "And still nothing from Maggie. "

Yumiko "The Council sent another letter, but... we haven't heard anything back. "

Michonne "Well..."

We saw a few walkers on the field. 

Alden was sitting on the horse , talking down to Lydia " Is that them? People watching us now, huh? Well, we followed their rules. Haven't they done enough to us? "

Me "Alden, enough"

He's still hurt that Enid died. We all are. We all loved her. But blaming Lydia? come on. 

Daryl "Hey. Why don't you lay off?"

Alden rode away. 

 Lydia "You don't have to protect me. I know how they feel about me. "

Daryl shook his head "No. Don't mean they get to talk to you like that. "

Lydia sighed "Just, I don't want to cause any more problems."

Daryl „It's their problem, not yours. "


We were still walking down the road. 

Daryl walked to me "Henry wanted her here. When no one else did. She's a good kid. "

I nodded "i know, Daryl, i wouldn't have stuck around if i had thought otherwise"

Daryl "but.."

I sighed "but every time i look at her i see the pikes with the heads on that hill."

Daryl didn't say anything.

I let out a breath. 

Daryl "Who do you see when you look at me? "

I looked at him and saw him looking at me. 

Me "you. I see you"


The road was already covered in snow. It was getting colder and colder. Some frozen walkers walked to the road. Daryl shot them in the head with his crossbow. He walked into the woods. Ezekiel followed him.


It was snowing and i went looking for Lydia who had vanished. I followed her tracks and found her kneeling in front of a walker who was frozen in the little lake. Only his head was out and he was still "Alive"? 

Lydia was there ready to let him bite her arm. I cleared my throat. Lydia looked at me and her eyes widened.

 I raised an eyebrow. 


We walked back to the highway. 

Jerry "Weather's already kicking in. Even if we hauled ass overnight, we'd never make it. "

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