1.2 "You Did What?"

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Next Day. Morning.

T-Dog looked at me  "What are we going to tell Daryl?"

I grimaced  „i completely forgot about him"

Dad asked confused "who is Daryl?"

Me "The little brother"

Dad parked behind Glenn's red car.

I climbed out of the truck and Carl ran into my arms.

Carl "You are back"

I smiled and kissed his head  "and i'm not alone"

Dad got out of the car. Mom and Carl looked at him shocked and started to cry. They ran to Dad who hugged them close.

I smiled at them.


We all were sitting around the fire. Dad had Mom by his side and Carl sat on his lap.

Dad was telling us the story how he escaped the hospital. I looked around and saw that Ed's fire was too big.

Me "Shane"

He looked at me and i nodded over to the fire.

Shane looked at our fire  "Keeping our fires low so we can't be seen by distance, right?"

Ed "I said, it's cold"

I snarled  "I'm not gonna get eaten alive just because your balls are freezing "

Ed snapped "like i care, bitch "

I stood up" you'll care once i punch your teeth out, asshole"

Shane got up and walked to Ed "sure you wanna have this conversation, Mate?"

I sat back down and whispered to T-Dog  "Daryl will rip your ass off if he finds out where Merle is"

T-Dog nodded unhappily, whispering  "I know"

Me "Let me tell him"

T-Dog raised an eyebrow "are you sure?"

I nodded.

Dale "What are we going to tell Daryl?"

I looked at him.
Dale shook hi head  „he won't be fine if we tell him his brother was left behind"

Me „I'll tell him i chained Merle on a pipe and lost the key. And I'll also tell him that his brother was a dick"

Glenn "I don't wanna sound like a racist but i think it'll be better if he hears it from a white guy"

I fake cleared my throat.

Glenn added "or a white girl"

Amy shrugged  "We could lie"

Andrea argued  "or tell the truth"

I shook my head "i am no gonna lie. I did what was necessary."

Dale looked at me "and you wanna tell him that? You think he'll happy with that answer?"

I shook my head "he doesn't have to be happy, he just needs to accept the fucking truth"

T-Dog "I locked the door to the roof. No walker can get to him"

Dale sighed and looked into the fire "Let's hope that"

Next day.

I woke up and saw Carl still asleep next to me. I got up and walked out of the tent. I took my knives put them on my belt. 

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