1.122 Alexandria

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In front of Alexandria. 

I saw Negan getting kicked to the ground. 


Daryl "No, it's really bad. I don't think any of them are gonna make it."

Gabriel" But you saw everyone."

Me "The adults. "

Rosita " Coco, Hershel, the kids?"

I shook my head " No. "

Maggie "But they have to be there. Right?"

Rosita " Okay, we need to go in now."

Daryl " We can't. There's too many guards. We'll never make it. "

Gabriel "So, she turned our home into a prison... after promising to give it back. "

Maggie "She never planned to give it back. "

Daryl "Wait. We can go in the sewers. "

Me "I know a way to get back into our old house, but I need some backup just in case the guards have it blocked."

Maggie " I'll go with you. "

I nodded. 

Daryl looked at Connie "All right, we're gonna go to the windmill. There's a sewer grate there."

Rosita " All right, I'm going with you guys. All right. "

Carol "But we need eyes out here. "

Rosita "Carol, I'm not staying out here when Coco's inside. "

Carol "You and Gabriel are our best sharpshooters. If it comes to that. We can radio each other if something goes wrong."

Rosita " If it's more than a night, I'm going in. "

Daryl handed Gabriel a gun "Here you go. Be safe"

We started ti walk away. 

Daryl grabby my hand "hey"

I looked at him "yes"

Daryl "Ken-"

I nodded "i know. you too"

Daryl nodded.

In Alexandria.

Maggie and i snuck through the walls and into our house. 

We walked upstairs. Troopers were walking through the house. 

A trooper walked past us and i slit open his throat. 

Maggie and i pulled him into a room and closed the door. 


We were hiding in the kitchen. 

Maggie was slowly loosing it. 

I looked at her worried and whispered "Maggie"

Maggie whispered " I keep thinking I can hear Hershel's voice.  I want to be better. I want to do better.  But...  Sometimes... Sometimes I think it wasn't even fair to... To bring him into this world.  Was I being selfish? "

I hugged her "Maggie..."

Maggie " Is it true? "

I shook my head " No. No, after Carl and Dad, part of me felt that way, too, but I didn't believe it for a minute. I don't believe it for a minute. Is that selfish of me to miss them so much I want them to come back? No. You will always try to make the world better because of him and for him. That's hope.  We're gonna find him. We will. i promise you that"

Suddenly we heard someone scream "mom! mom! mom!

I looked at her confused "wait what?"


We ran upstairs and to a room. 

A trooper was yelling "shut up!"

Hershel was screaming "help! help!"

I opened the door and shot the guy in the head. 

Maggie ran to Hershel "Hershel! Are you okay? "

Hershel nodded "Yeah. "

Maggie freed him and hugged him. 

I looked around. 

Rosita ran to us "Ken! Coco! Is she there? Ken, is she here?!  We checked all the other houses. Where is she? Hershel, was she with you? "

Hershel shook his head "No. I-I don't know where she is."

Rosita's face hardened and she walked out.

I heard Judith call out for me "Kenny!"

No way. 

I looked at her and hugged her "hey baby"


We walked outside. 

looks like the troopers were on our side now. 

Daryl rammed a knife into a man's chest.

Rosita rushed over to them. 

Negan was gonna bash in the skull of the guy but Rosita stopped him "Negan! Don't kill him! "

Negan moved back. 

Rosita looked at the guy " Where's my daughter? Where is she?! "

The guy groaned.

Rosita yelled "Where the hell is she?! "

No answer. 

Then she grabbed one of the dead troopers who had turned and threatened the ginger with it " Tell me where she is!  Where is she?! ♪"

The guy laughed " You will lose everything. "

Rosita let the walker feed on him. 

We all looked at each other. 

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