1.24 Cleaning the House

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Next day.

We were all standing in front of the fence of the building. I had my knives in my hands.

The group was already armed and waiting for dad's signal.

Dad "Ready?"

Then he just opened the gate.

T-Dog, Daryl and i were the first ones who walked in.

I started to kill some walkers. 

 T-Dog, Dad, Maggie, Glenn, Daryl and i were all standing in a circle back on back.

We made it closer to the building.

Dad "Almost there"

He opened the first door and T-Dog backed him.

There were no walkers behind it.

Dad looked over the corner but then jumped back "shit"

We all backed up against the wall.

Daryl was aiming the crossbow at the walkers.

The 'guards' showed up but we couldn't really harm them because of their suits. I looked over to Maggie who was stabbing the walker from underneath the helmet. 

T-Dog's, Glenn's and my jaws dropped to the ground. 

I took my knife out, grabbed a walker and stabbed it from underneath the helmet in it's throat.

Then we made it around the corner. Dozens of walkers standing there. I began to cut through heads. 

Suddenly i got pushed back and the gate from the little cage in front of me closed.

I looked up and saw Daryl.

The I breathed out "Thanks"

He nodded.

Glenn was going to open the other gate to let the others in but dad stopped him.

Dad "Stop!"

Glenn asked confused "Why? It's safe."

I looked at one walker closely "That's a civilian"

T-Dog "So the inside could be overrun with walkers from outside the prison"

I sighed "Means, there's a hole in a wall"

Glenn asked confused "and what are we gonna do? We can't fix these walls. We can't rebuild this whole place"

Dad shook his head "We can't risk a blind spot. We have to push in"

We followed dad up the stairs.

Daryl opened the door and Dad backed him.

We walked into the cellWe walked into the cell block. It was empty. No walkers.

Thank God.

Daryl and i made our way to the cells but the door in front of it was locked.

We heard keys jiggling and looked up. Dad let some keys drop and Daryl caught them.

I grabbed the keys from Daryl and opened the cell block. 

We walked inside. Dad, Maggie and Glenn were checking here and Daryl and i made our way upstairs.

Dad caught up. We made our way through the railing. Suddenly i heard groaning. There were a few walkers in the cells trying to press through the doors but they were locked in. 

Dad and Daryl killed them.


The cell bock was clear.

Glenn had let the others in while T-Dog was putting the bodies away.

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