1.93 "I Wasn't Asking"

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Next day. Morning. In the cells. 

I walked downstairs and saw Henry there. Oh hell no. 

 Henry looked at me "She didn't want to be alone. "

I nodded and walked over to Lydia's cell.

 Lydia sighed "My ear hurts. Everything hurts. You still have those pills? "

I sighed and handed her a water bottle with some pills. 

She downed the pills and the water "My mom's not coming for me. None of them are. If someone dies or gets taken or whatever, they move on. Like they never existed. That's how it's always been. They don't come into contact with big groups unless they don't have another choice. That's why I... I was trying to find out everything I could about you. 'Cause then when I escaped, I'd have something to give them. There's no reason for them to take me back now. "

Henry froze "You're her daughter. Does that not matter? "

She looked down. 

Me "things have changed, Henry. Since day one of this apocalypse people only care about their survival. You were little back then but if you knew the things the people I crossed paths with did to guarantee their survival.... You wouldn't believe me"

Henry looked at me surprised. 

Me "What about our missing people? 

"Lydia "If my mom found them... I can't think of a reason she'd keep them alive. Sorry. "

Me "She got a camp somewhere? "

Lydia "Near the guard bridge. Maybe a mile east. But we don't... They don't stay in one place for long. "

Henry asked kinda hurt "The story about your family... was any of it true? "

Lydia nodded, sadly "I thought all of it was. I needed it to be. But I had it all mixed up. It was a lie, but... the lie wasn't mine. My mom... she told it to me... over and over, for years. But... deep down, I knew... I knew what she was, and... I knew what she did. My dad. He was against the wall... scared......and my mom was there. Had that cold look in her eye. Then she... She got her knife. And then she... -"

She let out a sob.

 I nodded „It's okay. It's okay. We've heard enough. "

Lydia "I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I'm sorry I wasted your time. "

I shook my head "You didn't."

Then i walked out. 

Henry followed me "So this whole time Lydia's mom made her think it was her fault her dad died? Why would a mom do that to a kid? "

Me "Some people ain't meant to be parents, Henry, trust me."

Henry "So what happens now? Can she stay here with us? "

Me "We'll see. You should get her some fresh clothes. I'm gonna talk to Tara, see about that camp. "

At the fence. 

Tara yelled "Hey Daryl! Ken!"

Daryl and i climbed up the fence. Whisperers were standing in front of the gate.

 A woman was standing in front of them and called out " I am Alpha. And we only want one thing from you. My daughter."

Magna, Yumiko and Kelly climbed up to us. 

Tara „Our community is more than capable of defending itself! "

Alpha "I show you my face because we mean you no harm. I just want my daughter. I know you have her. "

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