1.4 Fort Benning

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Next day.

Apparently while we had been busy yesterday some walkers had shown up and attacked the camp. sadly they killed some of us. 

Amy was one of the unlucky people that got killed.

Andrea was holding Amy's body close. She couldn't let go. I understand her.

The guys were throwing the other walkers in a pit.

Daryl "The dead girl is a time bomb."

Dad looked at him "and what do you suggest?"

Daryl shrugged  "Take the shot. Clean in the brain from here. Hell, I could hit a turkey between its eyes from this distance. "

Mom shook her head "No. For God's sake let her be."

Daryl scoffed and walked away.

I walked to Jim and helped him with a dead body "I don't understand this"

Jim asked confused "What?"

I shook my head „They never went so far up here. What lead them here?"

Jim shrugged "I don't know"

He was breathing heavily.

I eyed him and raised an eyebrow "You okay?"

Then I heard Daryl scream "You left my brother for dead, you had this coming"

I yelled back "Not our fucking fault that he wasn't there, Dickhead!"

Daryl yelled back "Shut it, Princess!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Jim. 

Then I eyed him and raised an eyebrow "Are you alright?"

Jackie, who was walking past us, stopped and looked at Jim "Are you bleeding?"

Jim shook his head  "It's blood from the bodies"

Jackie "That blood is fresh. Were you bit?"

Jim shook his head "no. got scratched during the attack."

Me "You got bit"

Jim sighed annoyed "I'm fine"

Jackie "then show me"

I yelled "Jim got bit!"

Jim groaned out "Damn it, Kendall"

They all ran to us.

Jim "i'm fine"

Daryl "then show us"

Jim took a shovel and held it as a weapon.

Shane "Take it down"

Suddenly T grabbed Jim from behind and Shane pulled his shirt up. 

There was a bite wound on his side. 

Everyone froze. 

Jim sighed "I'm okay. "


Daryl "I say we put an ax in his head and in the girl's."

Shane "That would you want if it was you?"

Me "Or Merle"

Daryl shot me a look "careful, princess "

I glared at him "just stating facts"

Then he looked at Shane, nodding "Yeah and I would thank you while you did it."
Shane looked at me.
Daryl looked at me "You know I am right, you just hate to admit it"
Everyone looked at me.
I let out a deep breath "He does have a point"

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