1.90 Six Years Later

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Six years later. In the woods.

Rosita, Aaron, Eugene and I were looking for Judith who had gone missing while we were on a run.

I yelled "Jude !"

Judith "I'm here!"

I rushed over to here and kneeled down to her "how many times do I have to tell you to not leave my sight?"

Judith "are you mad?"

I shook my head "no, yes, I'm glad you're not hurt"

Judith nodded "I heard them calling. They needed our help. "

A bunch of teenagers walked to us.

I raised an eyebrow at them.

A guy "Our rig... It got overrun by sickos. We owe our lives to Miss Grimes here. "

Judith "They still need our help."

Then she handed one of them my water bottle.

Rosita shook her head "We can't. You know that"

Judith pouted " But... "

One of the guys "Hey, uh, I dabbled in the culinary arts, uh, once upon a time ago, and, uh... "

The other guy "Luke."

Luke " ...you know, with a little bit of help, I can help whip this buck into a mighty fine osso buco. "

Eugene " Stew. We make stew. More mileage for the masses."

The girl asked shocked "There are more of you?"

Judith "- Way more, with walls and... "

I sighed "Jude. "

The other girl "Incoming. "

Eugene and Laura killed the walkers.
I put a hand on Jude's shoulder.

Laura "There's more on the way. We gotta get outta here. "

Judith "They need food and water and medicine. If they don't go, I don't go."

Me "you're going either way, honey, so don't even start with the attitude"

Rosita looked at me frustrated "Ken"

I clenched my jaw "come on"

Then i grabbed Judith, picked her up and we started to walk away.

At Alexandria.

Eugene "Again, I feel the need to remind you that what we are doing is in direct and flagrant violation of the current security protocols. "

Rosita took the bags off of their heads "Yeah, we know. "

They looked around.

Rosita „Come on. "

We opened the gate.

The girl "Can't be worse than Jones Springs. Just like Jones Springs couldn't be worse than Coalport. "

Luke groaned "Oh, God. Coalport was a fossilized city of shit. "

Judith walked to them" You'll be safe here. I promise. "

Then she offered her hand to the girl who took her hand.

They walked in.

Luke's jaw dropped "Holy shit. "

Judith "This is Alexandria. This is home."

Gracie went to rush to Aaron "hi, daddy!!"

Aaron „Gracie, stay where you are, okay? "

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