Well, Hot Damn

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Edited 5/26/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing, alcohol use, mentions of blood, and implied sexual content.


The car's engine cuts out concurrently with Marshall looking into his rearview mirror. A moment is taken to scour his features for any defining evidence pertaining to his recent feed. Golden eyes dart toward pink lips; specifically a faint trail of blood staining the pale skin beside them. The light smudge is quickly wiped away with the pad of his index finger. It's brought up when his tongue darts out, and he savors the muted taste.

Looking away from his reflection, Marshall brings his attention to the bar in front of him. The bright red and blue open sign blocks his view of the patrons inside. Soft conversations, rock music, and dishes clinking together let him know that the place is decently inhabited tonight.

Which means it'll be easier to find someone willing to be a quick fuck.

The smell of strong alcohol and cheap perfume invades his nasal cavity when he gets out of the car, it locking behind him. A few strides are taken forward, and he opens the door to the crowded bar.

Jovial laughter is the first thing he hears when he walks in. Looking to his right, the vampire sees some of the regulars who normally frequent the place when he's there. Friendly waves are traded between them while Marshall continues walking.

A calculative gaze sweeps across the surrounding area. It stops fleetingly on a couple of tipsy girls giving a go at the karaoke machine in the back of the bar. Their faces are flushed, and bright smiles cause the sides of their eyes to crinkle in a delicate manner. They're holding onto each other in a drunken stupor; but all in all, the women are having a good time. The sight receives a lighthearted chuckle in response.

Continuing on to his regular seat at the bar, Marshall looks over a few of the bottles lined up at the back wall underneath blue fluorescent lights. Brands of vodka, whiskey, and tequila catch his attention for a moment; the vibrant light making the bottles look like they're glowing. Like the contents of each glass container is a magical elixir. He supposes that in a way, they are.

A clear view of liquor bottles is blocked by a passing worker. The vampire looks over the few people behind the bar top separating employees from customers. He finds one of his favorite bartenders drying a few glasses.

Smiling, Marshall gets the man's attention. The bartender, Bobby, glances up from his task. His unruly blond hair covers one of his brown eyes, but Marshall is still able to notice the happy expression on the employee's face. He sets down the contents in his hands and walks over with a large grin.

"Hey, Marshall. Nice seeing you again."

"Hey, Bobby. Good to see you too. How's the family?"

"The wife is doing well, and little Haley has started eating her baby food by herself," Bobby explains with a fond softness in his voice.

"Aw, that's sweet."

"Heh, yeah." He brings his warm gaze to the drinks behind him. "You want the usual tonight, Marshall?"

"If it's available. I don't want too much though- kind of just wanted to chill out for a bit tonight, y'know?"

"I hear you, no worries."

Bobby puts a glass on the clear surface in front of his patron. The bartender fills it with ice along with one part vodka, one part clear soda, and one part cherry grenadine. He tops the beverage off with a few maraschino cherries. The cup is set down on a thin coaster as its accented with a black straw.

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