A Second Try

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Edited 6/6/22.

A/N: This chapter contains implied sexual content.


"I honestly didn't expect you to run away into the night with me." Brad chuckles. "Can't say it's bad though. I've never had this sort of freedom before."

Marshall brings his attention away from the audience toward the actor beside him.

Brad's not wearing his silver crown anymore. His slicked back hair is now a nest of tight curls. His bright suit has been replaced by a dark brown shirt and black pants. Even his shoes are smudged with enough dirt to make them look cheap.

The vampire mirrors his counterpart's appearance with a ripped wool shirt and brown pants. Both of their handsome faces are marred by fake specks of dirt.

Brad is leaning against the railing of an old balcony. His back is toward the audience, but his face is turned enough for everyone to see him. His smile is soft. A hard shoulder is touching Marshall's as both men are standing close.

Dying flowers and vines line the crumbling concrete railing that's being leaned upon. A black curtain acts as a background piece behind them. A dim spotlight illuminates both actors. The audience is quiet. Everyone listens intently to the final scene of the play.

"No offense, your highness" Marshall offers a teasing smirk— "but I don't think anyone should be confined to four walls. No one should be forced to be rooted to one spot. You can do that when you're dead. Alive though, you should live as freely as you can."

"We're equals now, you know." Brad turns toward the audience. "You rescued me when I didn't even know I needed it. My father made the mistake of only seeing you as a peasant. I'm glad to have been able to see you as a friend."

"Of course, your majesty."

"Please, call me Arthur."

"Arthur." Marshall looks out toward the audience as well. "There's nothing holding us back anymore. What shall we do now- where would you like to go?"

Brad smiles. His gaze settles on a far point in the distance. "Wherever our hearts take us."

The spotlight turns off, and everything becomes engulfed in black. The room erupts with loud, excited applause.

Both actors climb off of the balcony set in a rushed manner. Crew members pull it toward a back wing, which opens up the needed space. Other actors and extras come on stage. Marshall and Brad, having been the lead roles, are in the center of the crowd.

Multiple overhead lights turn on. It takes a quick second to get used to it, but every performer looks out at the audience with delighted smiles. Rows and columns of seats hold a sea of people. They're giving the cast a standing ovation.

Marshall's eyes sweep across the room as he waves. He blows a few kisses. His smile widens at the sight of Paul standing in one of the middle rows. He's clapping, and a bouquet of flowers is held in his arms near his chest. When the two make eye contact, Paul nods his head. Marshall does the same right back.

The director for the play comes on stage once everyone quiets down. He addresses the crowd by thanking them for coming to the debut—and for giving the musical such a warm welcome. He also thanks the actors for giving such a fantastic performance. It's informed that the newspaper plans on doing a piece on the musical. Any people who want to are requested to give quotes on how everything was received.

Once finished, the director stands back and presents the cast once again. They grab each others' hands. In one long straight line, the group gives a grateful bow. An even louder applause is given. With one last wave, the cast members exit the stage.

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