Home Life

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Edited 6/2/22.

A/N: This chapter contains blood, mild swearing, and referenced homophobia.


Marshall is awoken by the sound of a door slamming. It's a noise that irritates him, but the heaviness of his eyelids is enough to keep him teetering on the edge of consciousness. He's further submerged in a world of comfort as two soft hands weave through his dark locks, fingers gliding across his scalp. The pressure is delicate. Gentle. It receives a short sigh in appreciation.

Pleasant warmth from his blanket mixed with the muted scent of his sister's perfume fills the older male with a sense of ease. He begins to drift back to sleep. It's a fleeting moment of peace though, as the sound of pacing and huffing can be heard alongside more doors slamming.

He grumbles.

"Easy," a quiet voice chimes in.

Marshall kicks his blanket off to the side, rolling onto his back. No movements are made to get up though, because Rosalie continues playing with his black waves in an attempt to quell her older brother's agitation.

Golden eyes open in a sluggish, tired manner. A yawn is held back while looking up at the bright ceiling panels above. In his peripheral vision, he can make out the familiar forms of the other Cullens taking some time to unwind after a long day.

Well, all but one.

Marshall rolls his eyes at the sound of loud and fast piano keys coming from upstairs. "Oh gosh, what's he moping about now?"

"He's causing trouble is what he's doing." Rosalie giggles.

"It seems that our dear brother has found his blood singer," Alice states. She continues overlooking a fashion magazine while she speaks. "There's a new girl in our grade. They share a few classes together. From what I've heard, her name's Bella Swan-- and she's from Arizona."

"So what- he's pissy because he can't eat her?"

"Marsh." Rosalie shakes her head, laughing.

"Well, from what I've seen, Bella might be a little more than just an interest of food when it comes to Edward," Alice adds.

Everyone looks up toward the ceiling when rushed piano keys become even faster. A recently quiet household is now wailing with a melancholic soundtrack.

Marshall sighs. He takes hold of Rosalie's hand. Before removing it from his head, the older male gives her appendage a light squeeze in thanks. He sits up with a groan, stretching both arms above his head. A moment is taken to revel in the addictive feelings of muscles extending and bones cracking.

Attention shifts to a nearby window where a partially hidden moon can be seen hanging in the darkened sky. Dim lights illuminate the front porch with a pale yellow glow. Despite thick glass and wood separating him from the outside world, chirping from crickets can be heard clear as day.

Now that sleeping peacefully isn't an option, it'd be an opportune time to go out and do something else.

"I'm going hunting." Golden eyes dart over to Rosalie. "Want to come?"

"Sure. We can have some sibling bonding time."

Both Hales share a quick laugh together.

Marshall stands first. He puts a hand out for his sister who takes it without hesitation. His larger appendage engulfs her smaller one. A larger palm shields hers, and longer fingers interlace with more slender ones to hold them as closely as possible.

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