Kicking Off the Christmas Season

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Edited 6/16/22.

A/N: There aren't any warnings for this chapter. Just feel free to enjoy something wholesome!


It's a chilly winter's night in mid December. Trees have become bare with the changing of the season. Crisp air has slowly become more frigid. People are adorning thick layers to combat biting temperatures. But even with such a not-so-pleasant outdoor environment, it's actually rather easy to find joy in the little things. Like the Annual Forks Christmas Celebration, for example.

Marshall is greeted by the event's glimmering overhead sign when he gets out of Paul's car. Bright lights are an array of colors ranging from red, white, green, and blue. An occasional bulb pops out in vibrant purple as well. Surrounding the sign are a few candy cane decorations. A large gingerbread man is also comprised of festive lights. Against the darkness of a navy colored sky, it's a beautiful sign that makes Marshall smile.

He's always loved the Christmas season. Due to his coven's want to remain unknown and unseen, however, he's never been able to freely attend any holiday celebrations. No tree lightings, no holiday villages, no light shows—nothing. The most he's done is the occasional caroling with the other members of the theater and choir groups. Those were usually for charities though, and didn't happen every year; much to his dismay. This is Marshall's first year attending the Annual Forks Christmas Celebration. And he couldn't be more ecstatic.

Sam, Emily, and Jared—along with his imprint, Kim—exit their cars in different parts of the parking lot. Paul exits the Jeep, locking it after shutting his door. He crosses around to the passenger side to meet his boyfriend. Warmth builds inside of them when they meet for a kiss. A pleasant temperature settles against any exposed skin, and it pulls delighted sighs out of both men.

Marshall pulls back with a soft exhale. He puts one hand into the pocket of his black trench coat. The other takes hold of Paul's gloved appendage. They fall in line with each other while strolling over to their other friends.

Emily is beaming because she's also never attended the Forks Christmas celebration. The others have, but they've never gone as a big group the way they are now. It really is an invigorating feeling to be together in such a bright, festive environment.


Recognizing the voice, he turns around. His smile widens at the sight of Brad and Yasmine approaching.

Both are clad in thick winter coats with additional accessories used to keep them warm. Slightly trembling hands are clasped together as a public display of affection; and as an excuse to benefit off of each other's body heat. Brad is holding his free hand up in a waving gesture.

It's noticed by a few people how he's wearing the same red pants as Marshall. Both men are also clad in the same style of boots as well. Whether their matching outfits were done purposely or not, it's cute to see them so dressed up for the occasion.

"Brad, Yasmine- it's good to see you both," he greets. "How are you?"

"Good, thank you." Yasmine offers a smile alongside a one armed hug.

"I'm stoked to be here, dude!" Brad cheers, pausing for a moment to kiss his friend's cheeks. "You know I love the lights and the songs- and the hot chocolate! We need to go get some!"

Clear excitement coats every word. Small puffs of condensation gather near his mouth as he speaks; the warmth of his breath combating the biting cold.

Marshall notices his friend's nose and cheeks are red due to the low temperature. Yasmine, along with the other women in the group, are the same. Hot chocolate actually does seem like a good idea for the sake of keeping everyone warm.

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