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Edited 5/30/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.


The engine of Marshall's car is cut off upon his arrival at the Cullen household. He takes a moment to bask in the silence around him. Faint calling of a bird song and chirping bugs fills a comfortable atmosphere. Quiet sounds are muffled by closed windows, but it's still just as calming.

He looks down at lax hands sitting in his lap. In the calm stillness of the garage, Paul comes to mind.

The vampire is sure to put up a mental block before thinking back to the conversation that was brought up before the two parted ways.


"An imprint? No, can't say I've ever heard of that," Marshall answered. "I'm guessing though, that has to do with our rather non-hostile and more hospitable nature toward each other?"

"You'd be right in that assumption." Paul chuckled before reclaiming his serious expression. "I don't want you to freak out. Just because you're my imprint doesn't mean that things between us need to change. You're hot, I like you, and you're good company. I'm okay with us just being friends with benefits."


"...But the imprint bond could make things complicated in the future."

"Explain it to me- this bond. It sounds important." Marshall scooted closer and pressed a kiss to the bare skin of Paul's shoulder. It was a gesture that felt natural for both of them. "I won't judge. And if you need me to be open minded, I will be. I'm around enough close minded people as is on a regular basis."

Paul chuckled. His gaze shifted from the ceiling to Marshall's patient expression.

He had an easygoing smile plastered on his handsome face, a single dimple forming an indentation in his right cheek.

The wolf bit his bottom lip. He scooted closer as well until both men had their foreheads touching. Paul pulled Marshall's hip so they were lying on their sides. The position made it so they were flesh against each other.

Bare chests were mere centimeters apart. Toned legs were wrapped up in each other. One of Marshall's hands was pressed against Paul's heart. Said male also had a hand resting on the vampire's waist. Their gazes were locked. It remained that way for a few seconds before anyone decided to speak again.

"...It's a bond that stems from my wolf's lineage," Paul stated, a thoughtful expression overtaking his features. "Usually, imprinting happens when a wolf finds a mate who would be capable of producing strong children. It's not necessarily a love at first sight type of thing- but it's much more... intense."

"I'm listening," Marshall urged.

"I don't think a wolf has ever imprinted on someone of the same gender before. I didn't even know that was a thing. Because of that, I'm kind of clueless on why my wolf's spirit decided to imprint on you. It's not for the sake of reproduction, so unless it just decided you were pretty and wants you forever based on that, I'm stumped." Paul looked between Marshall's eyes. "But something that is a constant about imprinting is that it's all consuming. I don't know if you know this, but wolves can freeze their aging because of shifting. So, technically, I can live forever just like you can. The imprint bond though- it's kind of like the scenario for red-tailed hawks. Those animals mate for life. And if we were to ever get romantically involved, that would happen for me too."

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