The Big Reveal

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Edited 6/22/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing.


Marshall is silently fiddling with the pendant of his choker. Both arms are resting atop his knees in a comfortable seated position on the ground. Golden eyes are watching a group of ants trudging along a leaf by a nearby tree.

For today's fight training, he's clad in a pair of his go-to joggers, sneakers, and a sleeveless T-shirt. One of his fingers are tracing random outlines into the fibers of his pants. He focuses on that instead of focusing on distant yells and grunts.

He's sitting by himself since the wolves have yet to arrive, but it's not that big of a deal.

Jasper needed Marshall to come earlier than the rest of the pack so they could go over strategies. Since he's been around the wolves more, he has in depth knowledge on their fighting styles. The blond saw it appropriate to talk these observations out to get a better read on how today's training should commence.

An engaging discussion about fighting and strategizing only really lasted ten minutes. They actually ended up joking around with each other for a good half an hour.

At one point, Jasper asked about his brother's relationship with Paul. The blond was awkward in his mannerisms, but he also seemed genuine in his questioning. Because of that, Marshall was honest about how things have been progressing. He even flashed his promise ring while trying to stave off a warm fluttering in his gut. Jasper was surprised the relationship had become so serious. Nonetheless, he offered a smile alongside his sincerest congratulatory statement.

The conversation on the interspecies relationship stopped there though. Jasper didn't dig any further due to some minor discomfort about the topic. Still, Marshall found it more endearing than anything that his brother tried to be open.

It's given some life to a previously crumbling relationship.

Multiple closing doors can be heard beneath the sounds of fighting. Two of his least favorite scents invade his nasal cavity. Knowing who's just arrived, the vampire doesn't bother looking up. He doesn't even greet anyone. He simply continues messing with his choker. Even with his gaze on the floor though, his nose warns him of the pack's simultaneous arrival.

A delighted grin plants itself onto Marshall's face. Intense heat envelopes him from behind, as well as the pungent aroma of dog.

A fragrance he's come to adore.

Something large and furry settles directly behind him. His smile widens even further. Gentle licks are placed onto Marshall's exposed skin. He looks up while trying not to laugh, coming face to face with his boyfriend towering over him. The wolf huffs as a means of giving a verbal greeting.

"There's my big guy." Marshall's expression softens. "Hey, Tiger."

A fuzzy snout is pressed against the vampire's cheek. He reciprocates the gesture by burying his hand into soft, silver fur. It's a warm embrace that actually makes him swoon. Their little moment only lasts a few seconds, but it's wonderful all the same.

Marshall's hand falls into his lap. He leans back and settles against Paul's frame. The couple bring their collective attention to the Olympic coven, everyone watching the loving interaction from afar.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward states.

"They came- that's what matters." Carlisle smiles. "If you could translate, please."

A nod is given in acquiescence.

Dr. Cullen walks forward with a lax posture. His expression is welcoming. Marshall can't help but relax himself in response to his father's hospitable nature.

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