Holiday Festivities

973 36 3

Edited 7/10/22.

A/N: No warnings for this chapter-- just feel free to enjoy something wholesome!


"Could we add some dandelions to this one?"

"Sure thing, Ness."

Two sets of slender hands are working on a crown composed of fake flowers. Using metal wire as a base, a plethora of floral plants—ranging from dandelions to hydrangeas to lilies—are being used for decoration. When given direction to do so, Renesmee snips any excess stems that are in the way with a pair of scissors.

Marshall weaves faux stems with expert hands as this particular craft is a newfound hobby he's come to enjoy in his free time. It gives him something to do, while also allowing for any stresses to wash away since his focus is on lacing plants together.

A section of hardwood flooring is covered in fuzzy pipe cleaners that have been cut in varying lengths. Printer paper is also cut up with some having random drawings scribbled onto their surfaces. Capped markers are strewn about, along with a few crayons. Pieces of metal wire are in random heaps as Ness has taken it upon herself to group them as such.

Soft Christmas music is playing in the background. Small flames are dancing in the fireplace. Many vampires are sprinkled around the room, occupied by their own amusements. A few people, Paul included, are out in the woods collecting a tree.

They figured that some holiday festivities could help everyone feel a little less tense. With Christmas being only two days away, it's perfect timing to bust out a box of old decorations.

"Do you think uncle Paul will like this one?" Renesmee asks.

"I think he will." Marshall smiles. "Especially if it's from his two favorite people. And since the flowers are fake, he'll be able to keep it forever."

"You don't think he'll mind the pink, do you?"

"Not really. The lilies are pretty pale, and they're closer to white if anything."

The duo fall into a comfortable silence as they continue crafting. At some point, Ness shifts her position so she's sitting closer to her uncle. She lays her head against his shoulder.

Light body heat is pleasant, and Marshall gives a gentle hum in response to it. He also leans over to place a kiss atop his niece's head. A scarlet gaze is pulled back onto a nearly completed flower crown to finish their work.

The vampire starts mouthing along to some lyrics from a popular Christmas song. He's quiet as a means to not disturb the peaceful atmosphere. A few people still look over in his direction. Delicate smiles make him sing a bit louder. The gesture is met with more grins and more people visibly relaxing.

Marshall's voice is smooth to match the ballad playing. He's in a comfortable register in terms of his tonality, and he doesn't really pay mind to random vibratos when they unconsciously slip out.

Singing helps to calm him further. No one says anything when he continues to do so with almost every song change.

Marshall manages to finish the flower crown when he hears shuffling feet coming from downstairs alongside people laughing. His serenading must be picked up, however, because loud noises immediately quiet down. Ascending footsteps against wooden stairs soften. Rustling of pine needles are heard, but it doesn't make much noise.

Scarlet eyes look around and take in the sight of people swaying in their seats. His voice becomes just a smidge louder.

He finds himself smiling even wider when a familiar voice joins in. Butterflies swarm the vampire's stomach as warm arms wrap around his waist. Heat envelopes him from behind, and Paul's head settles against his partner's free shoulder.

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