Nobody Could See Me

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Edited 6/29/22.

A/N: WARNING: This chapter is the heaviest so far. It contains swearing, graphic violence, referenced homophobia, victim blaming/manipulation, references to past sexual assault, references to abusive behavior, and a severe mental breakdown. Please read with caution. Viewer discretion is advised.

Quick Note: For anyone triggered by the topics above, all you need to know is that this chapter contains the most heated and hostile argument ever between Marshall and Edward. A lot of really terrible things are said by Edward in his attempt to get a certain point across.

With that being said, I just want it to be known that I do not condone his behavior, nor any type of abusive behavior. If you are going through something, please remember that there are tools out there to help you. There are people who love and support you. If any of you are facing hard times-- please don't force yourself to go through it alone. If anything, I'm always here if any of you need me. Stay safe out there <3


Marshall approaches his previous household with both hands resting in his pockets. He's clad in a black suit again, and remnants of dried tears are marring his features.

After giving himself some time to grieve alone, the vampire took the news of Brad's passing to their coworkers. It had been decided that, due to the sudden loss, all productions would be halted for a few weeks. The impromptu vacation would allow other people a bit of time to grieve too.

In order to celebrate the life of Brad Romero, all production teams decided to have a get-together in his honor. The gathering itself was intense. There was laughter and tears and hugs and stories.

And as painful as it was to relive fond memories, knowing that there wouldn't be a chance to make new ones—reminiscing was nice.

Unfortunately, Paul couldn't attend because of patrol. Marshall understood though, and wasn't upset about it. They at least have the opportunity of housing Brad's ashes in an urn at home.

Even with that being the case, Paul made it known that if he was needed, he'd come running.

The simple notion gave the vampire a lot of comfort.

When the memorial service was finished, he meant to give his husband a call. Esme sent a text instead. She said Marshall was needed at the house; and since he was already in the area, he decided to come.

That decision has led him to his current ascension of the front porch steps.

The decision has also led to blackened eyes now glaring at a familiar sunbleached pickup truck sitting in the driveway.

Great. Bella's here.

Her overbearing scent wafts toward him from her vehicle. Marshall ignores a strong urge to gag.

He hasn't eaten in weeks—not since the battle. But even though he's starving, the strong stench of Bella is actually very off putting. The vampire turns his nose in the direction of his bonding mark to escape an unwanted assault on his nasal passage.

The doorbell is pressed. While waiting for someone to answer, his weight is shifted on the balls of his feet. Steady rocking halts when Esme is seen through multiple glass windows. A wave is given in her direction.

Golden eyes widen in... surprise?

Esme jogs down the stairs. She opens the door with confusion clearly written all over her face. "Marshall, honey, I wasn't expecting you. What're you doing here? I know you don't like coming over unless you really have to."

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