You Rescued Me...

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Edited 6/22/22.

A/N: This chapter contains swearing, blood, graphic violence, and a self inflicted injury (non-life-threatening).


Brad's red eyes soften at the call of his name. He walks forward until the two men are face to face. His paler but still darker hand reaches up to caress light skin.

They're the same temperature.

Romero offers a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. His posture is stiff. His hand is shaking. He's biting his lip to keep it from quivering.


Neither of them can find the right words to say. Marshall can't hold back his tears, and they flow freely down his face. Just as quickly as they fall, they're wiped away with great care. He sniffles. His mouth is pulled open to try and say anything. But he can't—he's at a complete loss.

What does anyone even say in a situation like this?

"Brad, I..."

Marshall pauses when he looks into the background.

There's a vampire coming right for them.

Without warning, he rips himself away from the tender hand cupping his cheek. He tackles the woman that's running in their direction. In the distance, Marshall can hear multiple people calling out for him. No response is given.

He's sent tumbling down the clearing with the woman in tow. They're trying to grab and scratch at each other. They're trying to bite at each other, but both vampires keep missing.

It seems that luck just really isn't on Marshall's side today because the woman successfully grabs him. He's pinned down by his throat. She pulls her other arm back to deliver the final blow. And...

And Brad intervenes by taking the hit instead.

Marshall cries out at the sight of a hand going clean through Brad's torso. The appendage is pulled back, and Romero falls to the side. A silent scream of pain escapes him. His eyes widen, and his fingers claw harshly at the grass beneath him.

The woman is immediately forgotten about as she's seized upon by Paul.

Marshall scrambles to his feet. He runs toward his best friend. With careful hands, the older male turns the newborn onto his back; the action causing the poor man to cry out in agony. Pale hands lift a torn shirt upward. The action reveals a gaping wound straight through Romero's chest. Deep cracks are marring the skin around it, and they continue to slowly grow and lengthen in size. The growth is barely noticeable to the eye, but still.

It's enough to show that the inflicted wound is lethal.

Violent sobs escape Marshall. He brings a fatally wounded Brad up to his chest and holds him close. A head of messy curls is pet with shaking hands. Strong arms wrap around a quivering, cracking torso. Marshall's vision blurs because of his tears.

Despite this being the case, he can still make out a wavering smile on his friend's face.

And it makes golden eyes see red.

Marshall doesn't look up toward anyone. He closes his eyes so Brad doesn't have to see the anger in them. Hunching over, the older male lets out a sharp, blood curdling scream. Long, thorny vines expel from his body. Multiple shouts and cracks and rips come from several directions. Just as quickly as it happens, everything falls silent.

The vines tremble before returning to their owner. His tattoos reappear on his body. Golden eyes reopen.

He looks up, and comes face to face with the shocked expressions of his coven mates. Utter distraught shakes him to his core. Falling tears are enough to force Carlisle and Esme out of their stupors. The two adults come running over to try and assist.

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