Third Stop: Lauterbrunnen to Interlaken, Bern

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Edited 7/8/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing.


Golden eyes take in the stunning view of the Staubbach Falls in the distance. Smaller particles of water form a soft mist toward the top of a high cliff that said waterfall is coming from. Other mountain faces surrounding Lauterbrunnen Valley are tinged with light coatings of snow and greenery.

It's sunny today without a single cloud in sight. Even though this is the case, multiple sections of rolling hills are dusted with frost, partially shielding the stunning vibrancy from wide patches of grass.

A few houses have smoke wafting from short chimneys. Any people who are walking around are clad in thick winter gear. Foliage has tinted differing shades of red, orange, and yellow; and many trees are half bare. The presence of late autumn makes the surrounding area feel a little more homey. Warm as well, even though it's pretty frigid outside.

Other surrounding pine trees atop the valley are swaying in tandem with gentle wind. It's what Marshall finds himself focusing on as he walks along a narrow path with Paul.

They're taking a stroll together, hand in hand, with gloves covering their appendages. Both men are clad in tight, formfitting attire beneath their jeans and other outerwear. The layers feel a bit constrictive, but neither of them mind too much.

In order to further sell the act of being cold, Marshall is wearing a dark green hat with the flag of Switzerland on the front. It covers his ears and forehead. Black wisps of hair peek out from underneath.

Even though he isn't cold either, Paul's cheeks and ears have adopted a red hue in response to the biting temperature. He fakes a shiver, further burrowing into his jacket.

In comparison to Vienna, a lot of the establishments in Lauterbrunnen are quite tiny. There aren't really any buildings; it's just places that resemble cozy looking houses. With village central coming closer and closer, more structures appear alongside each other. Popular establishments are mostly made up of small restaurants and stores. An occasional hotel pops up as well.

Different shops sit on either side of a narrow road. Not many people are out driving, but the ones who are trek down the street at moderate speeds. Electronic vehicles make up the majority of cars as well, which is an interesting detail in terms of clashing cultural norms.

A short ten minute journey through village central brings the Lahotes to their destination: Lauterbrunnen Railway Station.

Retrieval of tickets is fairly quick, and Marshall leads in the direction of the pickup spot. He sits down on a bench with a view of the Jungfrau Summit on the other side of the tracks. His voice is quiet when he begins to hum. Both feet cross at the ankles, swinging in cadence with the soft tune.

The vampire is delicate as he traces the back of his husband's hand with slender fingers. Both males simply bask in each other's presence while waiting.

After a few minutes, a faint whirring sound comes from the overhead cables atop metal tracks. It alerts them to an arriving electric train.

Said vehicle is long with multiple carts connected to one another. They follow a simple design of a dark blue base with a large yellow stripe on the side. A decently inhabited interior is shown through multiple tall windows.

Marshall rises to his feet with his husband in tow. They make their way onto the train after a ticket collector allows them to pass.

The two settle down on a private booth toward the center of the cart. Padded felt seats are comfortable and draw out a soft sigh from Marshall. He leans against his propped hand while looking out of the window. Picturesque sights are admired when the train begins moving again.

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