A Helping Hand to Guide Us Home

860 33 11

Edited 7/11/22.

A/N: This chapter contains graphic violence.


"It doesn't matter what I show you." Alice rips her hand away from Aro. "Because even when you see- even though you know she's not a threat- you still won't change your decision."

She looks back and gives a signal.

Even though he expected this turn of events, Marshall can't hold back his distraught expression.

It's actually happening. There's going to be a fight. People are going to die.

They need to leave. Now.

Ruby eyes fill with tears when he makes eye contact with Rosalie.

Devastation is seen clearly on her face; and, understanding the situation, her bottom lip trembles. With a nod, she wordlessly mouths to her brother that she loves him. Marshall does the same in return.

He looks up at Paul in apprehension.

Brown eyes are full of unshed tears as well.

Both men purse their lips, coming to terms with what's about to happen.

Before anyone can say anything, they're running back into the forest with Renesmee and Jacob following behind them.

Marshall does his best to not look back. He can't help himself though, when he hears Carlisle's voice. The younger vampire continues running while glancing over his shoulder.

He catches a heroic moment where his father leaps into the air to help protect Alice. The gesture is met with Aro jumping as well.

A loud, sickening crack can be heard when both men meet.

Marshall feels tears stream down his face. His broken yell gets his group's collective attention. Everyone looks on as Carlisle falls to the floor.

With his severed head in Aro's grasp.


The younger vampire is unable to further mourn his father's passing as their enemies move to follow the retreating individuals.

Paul takes initiative by pulling Marshall onto his back.

His hands take a firm hold against soft fur. He braces himself when both wolves start running away at full speed.

Heaps of snow are kicked up beneath their feet. Soft huffs of air are taken while running. Wind rushes through Marshall's ears, and his eyes squint as a way of trying to keep particles out of his vision.

A quiet whimper comes from his front. A heated body rumbles in tandem with the sound.

It's Paul's attempt at trying to convey his sincerest apology and condolences.

Although he can't see him, Paul knows that Marshall must be hurt in catastrophic amounts right now. Not only for losing his father, but for seeing it with his own eyes too. For not being able to do anything because of how quickly such a turn of events happened.

The shifter is sorry that he can't do more to help right now.

It's not something that either of them can dwell on though. Fast paced, pounding feet can be heard behind them.

It sounds like three people.

Both wolves begin weaving in between trees to try and shake their enemies off. Or at least keep some distance between them.

Marshall looks back and nearly gasps when he sees how close their pursuers actually are. He doesn't hesitate to step in.

"Ness, get down!"

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