Honest About a Painful Death

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Edited 6/6/22.

A/N: WARNING: This chapter contains swearing, blood, and references to past sexual assault. While the assault scene is implied, it's still a pretty heavy lead up to the implication. Viewer discretion is advised.


"...You doing okay, Marshmallow?"

Paul's question is nearly missed, nearby crickets chirping much louder than his voice and partially drowning it out.

Both men are lying against the hood of the Jeep. Hard metal is cold to the touch, and the frigid temperature radiates through their clothes; but neither of them pay any mind to it.

Marshall's hands are clasped together on top of his abdomen. His ankles are crossed with his lower legs dangling over a shiny bumper. Wisps of hair tickle the sides of his face, black strands obstructing his peripheral vision.

If not for a particularly haunted look in his eye, Paul might think the vampire is simply enjoying the atmosphere around them.

Surrounding bushes and pine trees are masked by darkness. Faint mist paints everything in a tinted blue glow. Biting wind ruffles thin branches. Dancing leaves waltz in the breeze. A large pond sits a few feet in front of the car. Gentle tides swish water back and forth. Rippling waves act as peaceful background noise.

Their shared gaze is locked onto the bright sky above. Thanks to light pollution no longer being an issue, a cosmic visage is revealed with great clarity: an almost-full moon is out; constellations are shimmering; the occasional shooting star flies passed in a fleeting light.

It's quite a different scene in comparison to the previous hectic environment at Bobby's bar. And it's exactly why Paul decided to bring them here.

Unfortunately, such tranquility forces frightening thoughts to scream with greater hostility. Marshall's head is so, so loud. He doesn't immediately answer Paul because he isn't heard over rampaging flashbacks.

"...I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I hope I didn't frighten you."

"You did, but it wasn't because of your temper. Hell, I have my own issues with anger." Paul takes in his imprint's appearance with a frown. "You scared me because I lost you for a minute. After that guy grabbed you- it seemed like you just checked out. I was worried. I still am."

A harsh sigh breaks through the silence. Golden eyes close. Attention is paid to shuffling leaves. The slow cadence is grounding.

"...It's because of my past. When you initially asked me if I was different as a vampire because of how I was changed- your assumption was correct. The night that I died- it wasn't- it wasn't nice. I didn't have a peaceful death."

Marshall swallows. For the first time in a long time, the vampire feels his eyes moisten with tears.

He knows what story needs to be told. What deep wounds need to be reopened. Paul deserves to know why such a pleasant evening was ruined by a simple gesture. Still, it doesn't make this any easier to talk about.

"I- I trust you, Tiger. I think we've gotten close enough for me to tell you about my past. But I've gotta be honest- I'm scared. I'm not afraid to admit that you're important to me. I'm afraid that what I'll say might push you away."

"Marshmallow." Paul turns onto his side and props himself up on one arm. "I told you. I'm in this for the long haul. Whether we be friends or lovers. You're not getting rid of me. If you're not ready to say anything, you don't have to. But if you want to, I'll listen. You were open for me when I told you about the imprint bond. I'll be open for you about this."

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