Game Changer

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Edited 6/22/22.

A/N: This chapter contains swearing and graphic violence.

Also, the next few chapters are going to be extremely heavy for Marshall as a character. He's going to fall to his lowest depths. I'm just giving you all a warning now to prepare you for things to go very, very south. 


Everyone among the pack is tense as they walk toward their destination. Stagnant silence is filled with the sound of heavy paws making contact with moist dirt. Leaves high above are dancing without a care in the world. It smells like rain. The air is humid and sticky. A nest of birds are perched happily on a branch above. A tiny multicolored butterfly flaps its wings off in the distance. It's a peaceful setting.

For now.

Golden eyes trail down to a shining black wedding band. A small ruby sits in the center of it. Above the accessory is a slightly more worn promise ring. The sight of them makes Marshall's jaw clench.

He pulls his hand toward his chest, holding it over his heart. Both rings feel cold. Smooth. They act as a teasing reminder for the gruesome events to come should things fall south. At the same time, their presence fills Marshall with a bittersweet sensation of warmth. An uncomfortable tightness settles throughout his body.

A moment passes before he resumes his previous stance. He allows for a hand to bury itself in warm, silver toned fur. Paul doesn't look back; he just continues walking. But his ears do flicker in response to the gesture.

He's aware of his husband's feelings.

The vampire finds pleasant heat beneath his hand increasing. The musky scent from his bonding mark heightens as well. It helps to console him to an extent.

The pack members stop behind a grouping of large rocks to stay hidden. A short distance away is the rest of the Cullen family. They're grouped together with clenched fists and rigid stances. Esme and Carlisle look over. The two offer a quick nod before bringing their focus back in front of them.

Everyone waits in uncomfortable silence. Birds continue to chirp. Branches continue to sway. The air begins to smell of flourishing foliage.

Until it's overcome by sweet copper.

Marshall's gaze snaps up. The motion catches everyone's collective attention. A few more seconds pass before the others catch the scent as well. Sam gives a growl in warning to keep the pack from engaging just yet. Marshall looks over at his coven mates when they begin running in the direction they're facing.

Loud, bloodthirsty grunts and snarls rip into the air. Chirping birds are overshadowed by inhumanly fast paced running. Such a scene exacerbates festering anxiety.

The smell of sweet copper and faint human blood is overwhelming for Marshall.

There are too many collective people at once.

He turns in another direction to try and escape the assault on his nasal cavity. He makes eye contact with Sam.

The alpha offers a gentle nod in reassurance.

It takes a second to rein everything back in. When golden eyes refocus on the fight in front of them, Sam gives a short exhale through his nose.

On cue, the pack members run forward. They leap over large rocks and come face to face with a field full of red eyed individuals.

Marshall dives right toward a snarling woman. She barely gets a chance to actually look at him before he rips her head straight from her body. He lands on his knees, ducking underneath someone trying to grab at him. A quick swipe of the legs sends his opponent crashing to the ground. Another well placed kick puts an end to that vampire as well. He looks back for a moment to check on the pack.

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