More than a One Night Stand

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Edited 5/30/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.


Paul's body writhes in total ecstasy. Brown eyes cross for a moment before rolling back. Bright stars fill his vision. Broken moans escape him without any attempt being made at quieting his lewd noises.

He's only able to keep a clumsy grip on reality thanks to a pair of inviting lips slotting against his.

Firm hands hold him close, guiding his shaking body to lie down on the mattress beneath them. Ragged breaths are forced out. Every limb has been reduced to a trembling, sensitive, sweaty mess. Smooth skin has been brought to life by vibrant hickeys.

He aches in a way he never has before. And there's no shame in admitting it's an addictive sensation.

After a long moment, their shared kiss is released. Marshall falls back onto the mattress as well. They both chuckle. Pleased sighs resonate from both men immediately after.

The room—which was previously filled with loud grunts, moans, and whimpers—is now strikingly silent. Two sets of eyes observe the plain detail of the ceiling's design with neither person speaking. It's dark, except for an orange glow coming from the tall streetlight outside, its hue seeping in from a small parting in the curtains. Screeches from tires cruising along a wet street can be heard when cars pass by.

Even with the room being close to pitch blackness, both men can see each other clearly.

Despite hours of rigorous sex—with very few breaks in between—Marshall still looks like he just got out of a photo shoot. His dark waves are pushed back with the exception of a few stragglers framing his face. His lips are still pink and plump; they're not swollen from numerous kisses or hard grazes of teeth. Even though Paul sucked and bit and scratched with intense vigor, the vampire's skin remains free of any evidence of their copulation. Aside from the occasional twitch of a limb or shiver, Marshall looks like he could still go ten more rounds and not even mind.

Paul is jealous of his companion's physicality. But it's also extremely enticing.

"Don't look so serious, Tiger." Marshall presses another kiss to Paul's lips while propping himself up on one arm. "Most people tap out after the first round. You did a hell of a lot better. Almost had me tap out at one point."

"I've never had someone top me before. I've definitely been missing out."

"Never been topped myself."

"Oh, don't worry- I'll get you next time."

"Hm? So there's going to be a next time?" Marshall smirks.

"If you want there to be, yeah."

Paul looks over, and brown eyes meet black ones. He grins.

Despite flushed features and blown out pupils hinting at a sense of exhaustion, the wolf also feels like he could continue a bit more. He would say it's crazy, but neither male has had a partner who could keep up with their stamina before. Previous one night stands were fun, sure. They were hardly satisfying in all honesty though. If anything, it left both parties wanting more and unknowing of where to get it. That same mentality is out of the window now that they've slept together.

Marshall's smirk softens. Their scents have mixed because of their vicinity, and the vampire finds himself not minding the harsh smell of dog. He tilts his head to the side while chuckling. "Yeah, I think I want that."

Without warning, he climbs out of bed. Enhanced speed is used to run to the bathroom. A clean rag is grabbed from the small towel rack and is doused in warm water. Once it's wet enough, quick steps are taken back to the main room.

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