Beach Party

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Edited 6/13/22.

A/N: This chapter contains swearing and implied sexual content.


"Wow, it really is empty."

"Yeah, you're telling me."

Brad and Marshall pull away from the Cullen house with their current destination being La Push beach. There's a party happening tonight; and while the vampire initially planned on staying home, he's being dragged along to attend.

Well, that may be exaggerating a bit.

It's not that he doesn't enjoy the occasional soirée—Marshall's just tired. Ever since his family left, he's felt lonelier and lonelier with every passing day. It gets old being in such a large house as a sole occupant. Especially one that thrives off of personal interaction.

He loves going out with his friends. He loves going out to dance and drink. He loves sharing stories and laughs and hugs. Marshall just doesn't like having to return to a dark house to spend the night by himself after such lively outings.

He's becoming more of a hermit, and it seems Brad has noticed.

The young Spaniard wouldn't let up until he received a concrete 'yes' in terms of them both attending this party. It didn't really take much—just a pout and a few well placed flutters of long eyelashes. Marshall caved pretty easily. It made him come to the realization that he spoils Brad.

Neither of them are going to do anything to change that.

"I don't know how you deal with it, dude."

"It's not so bad." The vampire brings his attention to passing trees. "Paul's been staying with me a few nights a week. I spend more time at his house though. Him, work, and hanging out with you has been keeping me busy enough. Still, coming back to it is never easy."

"Well, even more reason to go and party! C'mon man, it's your birthday! What were you planning on doing had I not convinced you to come?"

"I don't know- spend time at Paul's place until he comes back from work. Probably fuck around, and then call it a night."

"Exactly- you can do that any day! Today's special!"

Marshall chuckles. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. So! Am I picking the songs today or are you?"

"Driver picks the songs-"

"And the birthday boy gets what he wants."

Brad's planned rebuttal is interrupted by a snicker. "I'll give you that. And because I'm nice, I'll allow it. So go ahead, Marsh. Immerse us in the colorful world of your music."

To make things a little more exciting, Marshall puts on the Around the World/ Harder Better Faster Stronger remix by Daft Punk. Strong bass makes both men bob their heads up and down. The vampire makes little gestures with his hands, swaying his torso from side to side. Brad's thumbs drum against the steering wheel. As the song gets more intense, so do their animated gestures. Excitement fuels a rather amateurish vocal performance. Purposeful mediocre singing makes both men laugh. Joy filled noises fight against blaring music from the speakers.

An orange sun continues to set far off in the distance. The sky is a gradient shifting from dim blue to vibrant pink. It's that time of day where all neighboring structures appear black; like everything is wrapped in one large shadow. Few clouds dot the dual colored celestial sphere. Small stars are beginning to make an appearance as light pollution slowly declines. The road becomes wider, and less cars speed in the opposing direction. After awhile, it's just Brad's Fiat moving along the coast.

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