Amusement Park Love

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Edited 7/5/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.


Paul has been a lot of firsts for Marshall: his first boyfriend, his first romantic love interest, the first person outside of the Olympic coven that he's gone on vacation with. And now, another aspect of his life that's being changed is the vampire's first time at an amusement park.

Since the two have been opening up more about places and things they've never been to or done, Marshall recently let it slip that he's never been to an amusement park. Again, it was because of his previous coven's desire to remain out of the public eye. Since such wishes were abided by, he's been robbed of a lot of daily, normal things that humans experience with ease. Simple things like amusement park trips have been included in that, unfortunately.

He's been to small carnivals with Brad and some coworkers in the past, but Marshall's never actually been to a full blown park with rides and coasters. He's only ever seen a roller coaster via pictures and videos online.

When that specific detail was spilled, Paul was offended on behalf of his partner. The remedy? Taking a weekend out of town, staying overnight at a fancy hotel, and spending some time together while crossing off a section from Marshall's bucket list.


Paul has gone to look for a soda vendor which has given Marshall a chance to really take in the bustling park life around him.

He takes fleeting glances at large groups of people with faces full of glee. Children are running around with stuffed animals and face paint adorning their features. Some mascots are going around taking pictures. Other couples are holding hands with each other while taking in different attractions.

A carousel can be seen in the distance. The popular ride is full of shimmering lights and is playing slow paced music.

To his right, a vending stall is selling funnel cakes, slushies, and ice cream. It smells like cotton candy and peanuts.

Even though it's a crowded, hyperactive environment, it's still a comfortable setting for Marshall. And he's more than ecstatic to be taking everything in.

"Your knight in shining armor has returned, my prince.~"

Paul plants a kiss onto Marshall's bonding mark before wrapping his arms around the man's neck. The vampire takes in the sight of a fluorescent blue cup with a neon yellow swirly straw. It also has the park's insignia on it, so it's probably one of those daily cups that also doubles as a collectible.

"Oh, my dear knight has saved me from the evil clutches of the summer heat!" Marshall chuckles. "What would you like to do? We've already done the teacups, racing karts, and laser maze. Got anything in mind, or do you want to walk around until we find something."

"Hm..." Paul takes a sip of his soda as he thinks. "...Arcade?"

"Sounds like fun, but I wouldn't know what to expect. I've never been to crazy big ones before, Tiger."

"Welp! We're changing that now then."

Marshall laughs as he rises to his feet. He falls in line with his husband when the two begin walking. A few people run by them in a flurry of laughter and excited howls.

It makes the vampire smile.

One hand takes hold of the Barcelona pendant, while the other claims its rightful place in Paul's free appendage.

They find themselves passing by multiple carnival game stalls. One is a ring toss with glass bottles. Next to it is a shooting range with swirled targets. Another is one of those water gun games where you have to aim at a specific spot and fill up a balloon until it pops.

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