Meeting the Not-Boyfriend

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Edited 6/2/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing, implied sexual content, and referenced alcohol.

Also, the beginning section isn't from a real play, musical, or anything like that. It's just me having some fun with random characters and a random plot. I still hope you enjoy it! The lyrics were made on the fly, but I think the song itself is pretty catchy.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"Henrietta." Marshall sighs. "I'm not going to meet the king- I don't see why I need to dress so formally."

"Well, you are meeting with his son. So it's just as important," one of the actresses with blonde hair chimes in. "We need to have you dolled up if you want to be swept off your feet like a princess!"

"I'm a man."

"Oh- hush and let me have my fun."

Marshall shakes his head. He walks from his spot near the left wing of the stage toward the center. Around him, multiple other actors and extras are rummaging about. They walk and talk in a frenzy of different people and voices. A few are dressed as maids. Others are dressed as butlers.

The actress playing Henrietta frolics about with practiced glee. She has multiple pieces of clothing in her hands. A scarf is draped over her neck, and a frilly hat is partially falling off of her head.

A tambourine gets Marshall's attention. He takes a few more steps, stopping at his mark near an opened suitcase. He plops down next to it. Multiple other instruments come in. The actor waits a moment before beginning the scene's song.

"What is this madness?

With every shriek and shrill and scream

Who do I address?

I'm not to sure of what they see

Because his request

Has really pulled at all my seams

But may I digress?

I'd like to tell you what it means."

Marshall rises from his seat on the floor. The actress playing Henrietta pulls him onto a small stool in which he stands. Both arms are spread out in a T pose. A believable roll of the eyes is faked. His head dips to the side in feigned annoyance. Henrietta pulls multiple garments up to his body to see which ones look best.

"Well, I must confess

That he is brash, but purely sweet

And this is not jest,

I know that I'm in for a treat

And oh, his highness

Will surely sweep me off my feet,

And my excitement

Is really causing me to-"

"Here we are, darling!" Henrietta interrupts. "You'll look positively gorgeous in this one!"

Marshall looks down. He shakes his head in response to a pink dress shirt held up against his torso. The fabric is quite nice; it being a form of silk or expensive satin. Its wrists and bottom fringe are a white lace with patterns of blossoming flowers. The shirt itself is low cut and would show off a bit of skin on the male's chest.

It's actually beautiful. But Henrietta doesn't need to know that.

"I'm not wearing this, Henrietta."

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