Bad Timing

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Edited 6/19/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing, implied sexual content, and referenced homophobia.


"You sure you're feeling better, Honey Bun?"

"Yes, Tiger. I honestly think that woman had some sort of ability that made her venom more painful. I've been bitten before and have never reacted that badly. Either way, it's been awhile- and I think it's cleared. I don't feel like I'm burning from the inside out anymore, so that's progress."


"It was a joke, my love. I'm fine. Really." A tender caress is placed against a trembling bicep. "I know it was hard for you to see me that way."

"...More than you might think," Paul answers, his tone nothing but honest.

"But I promise you I'm okay now- everything's back to normal. There's no need for you to worry about me."

A short hum is given in response to Marshall's comment. The small noise seems noncommittal. He doesn't say anything when a kiss is pressed against the back of his hand. It's a gesture used to hide lingering fear and panic. It's also a sweet indication of love and appreciation.

Soft lips are hot against his skin. Now that his body no longer feels like it's boiling, he can actually enjoy physical displays of affection again.

Some lingering pain is still felt beneath the bite scar. It's more a minor inconvenience than it is painful, however. There's a faint stinging sensation in the vampire's muscle that's reminiscent of how someone's arm would react after getting an injection. A slight annoyance, sure, but definitely not something worth fretting over.

Marshall's hand is set back down. It stays clasped in Paul's larger one. Their arms swing habitually between them. Quiet steps are taken up wooden stairs. After passing dark tinged planks, both men cross the threshold into the Uley house.

The smell of cooking pasta is hovering in the air. Jared and Embry are sitting at the dining table together, the guys talking with lighthearted expressions. Emily is consulting with Sam as he's stirring the contents inside of a boiling pot of water. Hushed music is playing from a speaker on another counter.

It's a casual atmosphere that's halted once the second couple is noticed.


Voices laced with genuine surprise catch Marshall off guard. Everyone sounds excited to see him. There are also hints of worry or concern—maybe both—hidden beneath astonished tones.

His eyes widen when Emily books it out of the kitchen. She runs straight into the vampire's frame. If not for Paul's fast reaction of grabbing Marshall by the shoulders, he would've toppled over.

Thinner arms wrap around his torso. Smaller hands clench against the fabric of his jacket. He feels his own form of shock because he knows his skin is ice cold, yet Emily clings to him like she doesn't feel it. If anything, the temperature makes her sigh out in relief.

"Oh honey- we're so glad you're okay!" She looks up with tearful eyes. "We were so scared for you. Paul said you weren't doing well after what happened- and then we didn't hear from either of you for a few days. We've been so worried."

Marshall's wide eyes soften. A pit of guilt builds in his stomach.

He doesn't want anyone to feel bad about what happened to him. Especially since his actions saved the life of someone he cares about.

A delicate smile is offered. Strong arms wrap around Emily in a tight embrace. She leans into the touch as if she's afraid Marshall will disappear. The gesture is met with a single pat atop her head. The same hand runs down soft locks of hair before settling on her shoulder.

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