Final Judgment

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Edited 7/11/22.

A/N: After this chapter, there are two more left-- and then that's that. We're almost there!


Marshall's eyebrows furrow as he watches Aro let go of Alice's hand.

The Volturi leader seems frazzled. Whatever Alice allowed him to see must've either scared him, or shocked him.

Perhaps instead of showing that Renesmee isn't a threat, maybe she showed the man what exactly will happen if he tries to continue pursuing a fight.

He looks around at the Cullen witnesses. It's a tense stare down amplified by a lack of verbal explanation.

"Now you know," Alice states, "that's your future. Unless you decide on another course."

No further insight is given. She simply walks off to rejoin Jasper. Both vampires walk away from Aro to stand with their coven. Carlisle gives a warm nod to his children before bringing his full attention in front of him.

Everyone remains silent as a means of giving Aro the floor to speak.

Caius chimes in instead with a quiet tone laced with hostility. "With all due respect, my liege, we cannot alter our course. The child- we know nothing of what she's capable of. What she could be capable of. It is imperative that we deal with the threat at once."

"If she could remain hidden, concealed from the human world, could we live in peace then?" Edward asks.

"Possibly, but there's no way for that to be known. There's no evidence of such a thing even being possible."

"Actually, there is."

Marshall frowns in confusion when he picks up a pair of new scents.

One of them is sweet copper tinged with human blood, so it must be another vampire. The other though, smells of light cream. It's very similar to Renesmee's natural scent.

Such a distinct fragrance makes the vampire turn his head in the direction of the treeline behind him. His gesture catches everyone's collective attention. In his peripheral vision, he notices other people turning as well.

A minute passes before two people can be seen exiting the forest.

One of them is a woman with red eyes. She's a darker complexion of a warm caramel tone. Her hair is long and consists of dark waves.

The man beside her also has long dark hair, but his is held back in a braid. He's of a similar complexion as well. And a light pink tint is present in his cheeks. The man has rich brown eyes instead of red or golden. He also has a strange heartbeat—one that's similar to Ness'.

Both people are wearing clothes made of animal skins. Rock-like trinkets adorn skirts and shorts. Thin sandals make soft imprints in the fresh snow.

The duo remain calm as they walk past the Cullen witnesses. They take firm stances beside Alice, the woman coming forward to present them.

"I didn't leave my coven out of fear of being sought out. I left my coven in search of witnesses who could attest that the child isn't a threat. And I've found exactly that- in the Ticuna tribe of Brazil."

"We've had enough witnesses-"

"Let them speak," Aro interrupts Caius. The former actually appears intrigued by the newcomers in front of him.

"...My name is Nahuel," the brown eyed man announces. "Just as the child, I am half human and half vampire. My mother was seduced by an immortal, which led to my creation. She died during childbirth. Because of that, I was brought up and raised by my aunt, Huilen. I turned her into an immortal."

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