
865 38 10

Edited 7/10/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.


The Lahote household is filled with members of the Uley pack—plus Seth, Emily, and Leah. Christmas decorations are splayed along dark tinted wooden wall panels. An animated movie is playing on the television. The kitchen smells of sweet desserts as cookies, cake, and pie have been made for a group gathering.

It's the night before the big meetup with the Volturi. And instead of choosing to wallow in fear of the frightening events to come—everyone's decided to celebrate as a pack.

As a family.

Even with a house full of people though, everyone is quiet. Their heads are pulled down toward the floor with hands clasped in their laps. Any sounds from a festive short film have been muted.

Marshall's gaze is pulled to the floor as well. His left hand is holding Paul's. The right one is sitting on the familiar plaque on Brad's urn. A particular heaviness is felt as Romero's lacking presence seems amplified.

Just as tomorrow marks a possible devastating battle, it also marks the end of another year.

The first new year without Brad.

Everyone's taking a moment to honor him because, even in death, he's still a beloved member of the family.

Marshall tries to uphold a sense of ease, but it's hard. Since they may have to leave in a hurry tomorrow, only easily accessible necessities are being taken. Brad's urn is not one of those items. Rushed travel could damage it or cause it to get lost. No one wants to risk such a thing.

So it's been decided that he'll be left behind.

As much as it hurts—it's for the best. This way, if the Lahotes really are forced to leave La Push, at least Brad will watch over the house until they're able to come back.

"...Thank you, guys." the vampire looks up to address the room. "It's still a pretty sore spot, but I think I'll be okay for the remainder of the evening."

"Are you sure?" Emily asks.

"Yeah." He clears his throat. "Plus, if you guys don't eat now- everything will get cold."

Somber expressions are pulled into more lighthearted ones at the mention of food. Animated character voices are unmuted. Jovial conversation and laughter replaces stagnant silence.

Scarlet eyes glance over Brad's urn one more time before Marshall pulls his attention away from it. He takes his hand back as well. A small smile is offered to Paul as a means of silently conveying that everything's okay for now.

The shifter wants to address any conflicting emotions, but he knows just as well as anyone else that tonight should be spent as happily as possible. With a bit of hesitance, Paul looks toward his pack mates.

"If you guys eat all my shit, I'm kicking you out of my house."

"Yeah, yeah." Jared waves off his friend while making a beeline for the desserts. "You want to eat? Then you better beat me to the table!"

Paul doesn't need much more coaxing than that to leave Marshall's side, making him chuckle.

The vampire walks away from his spot near the entertainment center. He occupies a free seat near Emily. She flashes a bright grin, pulling him in for a tight hug.

Having his face hidden presents the opportunity to openly frown.

He feels bad for Mrs. Uley because she very well may lose everyone tomorrow. And yet, she's still putting on a brave face.

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