A Frightening Display

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Edited 6/19/22.

A/N: WARNING: This chapter contains swearing, attempted dissociation, references to past sexual assault, and a severe panic attack. Viewer discretion is advised.


Light R&B is coming from a speaker in the kitchen. Music battles against the loud sizzling of a pan nearby. Emily is working on a new steak recipe over the stove. Sam and Jared are out running on patrol. Jacob and Embry are sitting at the dining table while talking to each other over a plate of fresh muffins. Paul is sitting on the fabric bench with his phone in one hand. The other is nestled in the dark waves of Marshall's hair.

Said male is sitting on the floor with his legs in a crisscross position. He's looking over a script from his newest theater production. His head is propped against a firm thigh. Some longer strands of hair have fallen in his field of vision, but they don't pose as much of a nuisance.

A specific pass over his scalp makes Marshall's eyelids gradually fall until they close. The world is only engulfed in darkness for a mere moment before he reopens them. An inhale is taken, and pleasant musk envelopes his nose. He continues to read in peace. Aside from an occasional hum, he remains silent as well.

Marshall stiffens though, when a more pungent scent of dog hits him. Two other fragrances accompany it. One of them makes him frown.

The past couple of weeks have been a bit tense for him thanks to some new pack members: Seth and Leah Clearwater. They joined after their father passed away. Since then, Marshall's been butting heads with the female shifter.

She's rude and confrontational. She makes snide comments about him whenever she has the opportunity—even if he's not actively doing anything. Most of the time, Marshall's just minding his own business. Leah will chime in with enough heat to cause an argument. He doesn't like fighting in front of the others, but she makes it so difficult to not be hostile.

Such conflicts usually end with other pack members getting involved to keep things from escalating.

Luckily, his relationship with Seth is much better.

The younger male is a kindhearted teen who's actually a huge musical theater buff. When Paul first introduced Marshall, Seth lost his mind. Apparently, he's seen the vampire during some of his shows and is a huge fan. They actually took a few pictures together so the teen could show off to his classmates that he knows a celebrity.

They've been able to bond over shared interests. A few friend-dates of plays followed by dinner have ensued, and it's been more than pleasurable.

Seth is definitely a breath of fresh air. He reminds Marshall of Brad. It's crazy how the younger shifter is so different in comparison to his sister.

Both siblings walk into the room; Leah with a scowl, and Seth with a bright grin. She settles against the door frame without any semblance of greeting. Her brother sits down at the dining table. He gives quick hellos to everyone before falling into a conversation with Jake and Embry.

Leah looks on in silence. She gazes around the room for awhile. Her attention draws to the vampire a few feet away.

He's still looking down at his script; but she has the type of stare that's piercing enough to always be felt, regardless of whether or not it can be seen.



Beside him, the vampire can feel pleasant heat quickly moving into uncomfortable territory. He drags a cautious hand along the fabric and underlying muscle near his head. It's a cognizant gesture used to try and bring comfort where it's needed.

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