Talk of the Future

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Edited 6/20/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.


"Alrighty, thanks again, Bobby."

"It's always a pleasure serving you guys. I'll see you around- and let me know how your break goes!"

"Of course! Take it easy, man. We'll see you!"

Eager waves are given to Bobby as Marshall and Brad make their way out of the bar. With Romero leading, the two friends pass by a few tables. Nods are given to other bar patrons as well. Some people wave back in response, offering their own verbal farewells. Loud music loses its intensity when the exit door is propped open.

Both men are greeted by the pungent scent of fresh rain. It's carried by a gentle, warm breeze. A hint of blooming flowers also lingers in the air. Puddles sit undisturbed on nearby sidewalks and random sections of the parking lot. The surrounding cars are wet. Water droplets appear multicolored as they reflect bright, tinted lights.

"We're lucky it stopped raining. Means I don't have to go home soaked." Brad pats his friend on the shoulder. "Hopefully the weather in Barcelona will be better. Dude, I'm super stoked for this season's vacation time!"

"Yeah, same here." Marshall smiles. "How long are you going to be gone?"

"Two weeks. Yasmine wants to do one of those disconnected vacations. You know, the ones where you don't bring electronics with you. It's meant to make the trip more enjoyable since there won't be any added distractions. I'll still have my phone on me, of course, but I kind of like the idea of getting away from technology for awhile."

"I get that. Just make sure you guys are careful."

"Course," Brad replies, offering a signature yet playful toothy grin. "So where are you and Paul going?"

"We're heading out to Bora Bora first thing in the morning. We have a private rental just for us."


"Mhmm. I think it'll be fun. Neither of us have been there before, so it'll be cool to experience something new together."

"You've been doing a lot of that since you guys became an item." Brad's eyes soften. "He really does help bring out the best in you, you know. I've never seen you this happy."

"Paul kind of just has that effect on me. It's... different with him. Life, I mean. He's been helping me get out of my shell a little more. It means a lot to me- having him. With this being my first relationship, I have to admit that I'm glad I waited so long to get serious with someone. He's just one of a kind."

"You really love him, don't you?"

"Yeah." Marshall places a hand against his cheek to shield a phantom blush. "I really, really do."

Hazel and gold meet. Faint streaks of red and blue from fluorescent signs reflect in their irises. Brad's unspoken feelings are revealed in his facial features. His expression reveals happiness and compassion. A certain glint in his eyes is hopeful, shedding light on a genuine appreciation for how much Paul has been helping Marshall.

It's sweet that the vampire has such a dependable support system; both in his lover and his best friend.

"Oh-" Brad takes his phone out of his pocket. "Sorry to cut this short, Marsh, but I have to get going. My flight leaves tonight at 11."

"No worries, dude. You're good."

Marshall is engulfed in an expected hug. He breathes in the comforting scent of vanilla. It makes him hold onto Brad a little tighter.

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