chapter one hundred twenty seven.

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Claudia handled wedding planning along with her teacher duties as best as she could. With Ben not being around because of filming, auditions or interviews, it was hard trying to make choices that they both would be content with. But according to Lucy, she knew exactly what Ben liked.

It was a friday when Claudia was called into a teacher meeting in the library. All the students have gone home, while the staff stayed for their meeting. Claudia wasn't sure why she was being called to attend the meeting since she was still getting settled into her classroom, but she was there either way.

"Hey, Claudia!" A Geometry teacher, Ms. Graves, greeted the blonde. "Do I have news for you."

Claudia wasn't the only young teacher in the school. Ms. Graves, whose first name was Natalie, had just tuned twenty seven when she got the job as a geometry teacher.

"Hey, what's there to gossip about this time?" Claudia teased. Natalie pretty much knew everything that happened so it was no surprise that she would be the one to tell Claudia the wonderful news about one of their co-workers.

"Snobby Garrett got fired. He's practically banned from school ground. Don't know how he'll ever find a job again." Natalie whispered as both women walked into the library.

Claudia's lips formed a smile on her face. She was glad that Garrett was finally gome from her life, gone from teaching. First Howard, now Garrett.

"Thank you to whoever made that decision." Claudia let out a sigh of relief.

"True. Probably the same person that got Howard fired too."

After most of the teachers filled up the room and took their seats, the meeting began. The temporary principal then handed out papers to the teachers. "So I got permission to hold a fundraiser for the school. We'll announce it to the families of our students next week. All of you are welcomed." Ms. Olsen said.

After several more announcements like grading deadlines and classroom changes, Ms. Olsen dismissed the meeting. She said goodbye to several teacher as she collected her folders.

"Ms. Olsen, do you have a minute?" Claudia asked.

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Well, I'm getting married and my fiancé and i don't have a steady date yet, but i wanted to ask if it would be appropriate to invite my kids— I mean the students to my wedding. It would mean the world to me to have them present."

"It would be a crime for them not to be in attendance."

Claudia nearly jumped from all the joy she had. Her kids would be apart of her special day, what more could she want. After saying goodbye to Ms. Olsen, Claudia got a call from Ben.

"Hey, I have the best news!" Claudia said once she answered the phone call.

"Sweetheart, you're going to hate me right now," Ben started. "My parents and my brother are here. They wanted to surprise us."

Claudia started to laugh thinking Ben was joking with her. "Please tell me you're lying. They told us they weren't going to come here until Thanksgiving or Christmas."

"Well they're here now! And my brother has my address so they thought that it would be nice for them to surpise me when I got home. . . Is Janis home?"

"What? No, she's with her therapist. Everything's going to be fine." Claudia assured.

"Claudia, Janis has her sessions on Wednesdays. Today is Friday." Ben informed.

"Oh shit."

An: finally janis is going to meet the barnes family this could either go really good or really bad 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

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