chapter one hundred forty four.

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"Doesn't your dad look pretty?" Ben heared Claudia say in a 'baby voice' to Esme. He was currently getting ready for the premiere of The Punisher. As much as he wanted Claudia to be there, she couldn't. She had a stuffy nose and a sore throat so it was best for her to stay behind with Esme.

"Can't say I've been called pretty before so thank you." Ben said as he exited the bathroom and saw Esme laying on Claudia's chest.

"Pretty handsome, right Esme?" Claudia placed a kiss on her daughter's head.

"Alright, I have to go. Are you sure you're okay with staying alone with Esme? I can call your mum or Lucy to stay with you." Ben insisted.

"We're both fine. Don't worry, if I have any problems, I'll call mom or Lucy or I can go to the neighbors, Mr. And Mrs. Ferguson. We're going to be okay." Claudia assured him. One could say Ben was a bit protective over his girls, but what first time father wouldn't be? Especially one that was as busy as he was lately. He mentioned that his agent had sent him a script for a new netflix series that was based on a series of books.

"I'll be back soon, love," Ben kissed Esme's cheek before turning his attention to Claudia. "Take care." He kissed Claudia's lips, but got interrupted by Esme gently slapping his cheek until he pulled away from her mother. "Someone is a clingy girl. Fine, I'll leave, I'm leaving. See?"

"Have fun! But most importantly, I'm immensely proud of you even if most of your scenes you're having sex or murdering someone, I'm still proud of you." Claudia said as Ben walked put of their shared room.



"Happy new year!" Tricia Barnes cheered as she walked through the front door of her son's apartment. "Where's my lovely granddaughter?" She walked past her son in search of Esme.

"Love you too mum. Hey, dad, Jack." Ben greeted the rest of his family. They all came in with gifts that were definitely for Esme.

"Hey, man. Where's your other half?" Jack asked.

"Claudia's in the living room with Esme." Replied Ben.

"Your other other half? You know, Lucy?"

"She's in England with her other half."

"Wait really? So her and Spider-man dude are actually a thing?" Jack asked.

"Why the interest all of a sudden?" Ben questioned.

"Because Lucy always spends New Years with us. Seems weird not having her here." Jack mumbled.

"Yeah, well I'll tell her that she can't spend New Years with anyone else but us anymore, happy?"

"Boys! Stop fighting!"

Claudia chuckled from her spot on the sofa where she held Esme in her arms. Tricia asked Claudia if she could hold the baby, which Claudia said yes to, and showed her all the toys they had brought just for her. Esme was still a few months old, but all the bright colored toys amazed her.

"She's so beautiful. Now all we need is your wedding. Oh, Esme is going to look so gorgeous in her little dress." Tricia smiled.

"When are you two kids getting married anyway?" Ben's dad, Thomas, asked.

"We haven't talked about it recently, dad."

And that very question was answered on October twenty seven of that same year. It looks exactly six months of planning, taking days off from work, staying up late, but Claudia officially had the same last name as Ben. Janis had the honor of walking her daughter down the aisle. (Of course she had tears in her eyes, practically everyone did.)

Esme was mostly babysat by Tricia or Janis, but she did share a dance with her dad. Her special day was attended by many people from Ben's family and friends and Claudia's family and friends and her students. Michael didn't get to meet Chris Hemsworth, but he did meet Jon Bernthal. He accepted that that was the closest he would ever get to meeting Chris Hemsworth.

Her wedding felt like a fairytale, according to her students. They even got the chance to take a 'class photo' with the bride and the groom. Somehow they wore matching suits and dresses. Claudia guessed they had a groupchat. That photo is now framed in her classroom. Obviously she had to give each of her kids a copy of that photo.

By the end of the night, Claudia was too exhausted. She could hardly keep her eyes opened. For their honeymoon, Ben and Claudia agreed that they would spend two weeks in the cottage that Ben had bought. Tricia offered to babysit Esme, but Ben insisted on taking his daughter with him. He wanted her to see the world even if she was too young to even remember it.

Together, the small family of three traveled to England where Ben had purchased the cottage. The moment Claudia set her eyes on it, she fell in love. It was a big cottage, but it felt like home. She adored every bit of it. Esme did too, she had a small smile plastered on her face the second Claudia opened the door and revealed the cottage.

The first week, the three Barnes members stayed in, enjoying each other's company. Claudia was holding onto Esme's tiny hands as the one year old slowly walked around the living room.

"That's it, baby, you got it." Claudia cheered on her daughter.

At this point, Ben pulled out his phone and started recording. His phone was practically filled with pictures of his wife and daughter that he had to delete some older photos to make room for the new ones. "You did it!" Claudia cheered as Esme sat herself down on the carpet.

This was one of those moments that Ben loved. It was one of those moments that he wished he could live in forever. It felt like heaven or rather his version of it. He had a wife, a daughter, a great career. He believed that he was the luckiest man alive.

An: hate me because next chapter is the last chapter 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

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