chapter one hundred thirty seven.

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"Are you okay?"

Ben noticed how nervous Claudia looked. Why? They were only having dinner together, they've done it many times before so why would she be nervous? Claudia gently picked at her plate of spaghetti while her knee bounced up and down repeatedly. To calm her, Ben placed his hand on her knee.

"I'm fine . . okay, maybe I'm not entirely fine, but I'm fine, yeah. What about you?" Claudia's knee slowly stopped it's bouncing.

"Love, did something happen while I was gone?" Ben asked.

"No, I mean, yes! Actually, no," Claudia wished her mouth would stop moving, but it just kept talking. "I'm sorry, I need to go to the bathroom." She immediately stood up walked rather fast to the bathroom. Once she was inside, she locked the door and took out her phone from her back pocket.

After several rings, the person on the other end of the line picked up. "I don't know what to say! How do I even tell him we're having a baby?!"

"Who's having a baby?"

"Who's this?" Claudia asked.

"Lucy . . . Wait, Ben knocked you up? Holy shit, he actually put a baby in you. Wait, ew, but congratulations! Name it after me."

Claudia ran a hand through her hair. She really didn't mean to call Lucy. "Lucy . . Hey, sorry for telling you like this. I thought I called my mom."

"Don't worry, one of my cousins didn't tell me she was pregnant at all. One day she just showed up at my house with a one year old kid who was a total bitch. He bit me actually. Now, he's in middle school," Lucy said. "But let's talk about your little bundle of baby Barnes! Is Ben home?"

"Yes. I'm freaking out, I don't know how to tell him. This is the biggest news ever! He might not even want the baby."

"Shut up, he loves kids. He babysat my nieces for a whole day and let me tell you those little monsters are the worst. They actually behaved. I just think they hate me. I don't really care I hate them more. Except their mom because she pays me for babysitting them."

"Believe it or not, you actually calmed me down. Thanks, Luce." Claudia let out a sigh of relief.

"That's what I'm here for, my very pregnant friend. Good luck and remember, Ben loves you no matter what. He always will. And I do too."

With that, Lucy hung up the phone. Claudia placed her phone back in her pocket. She leaned her hands on the counter and looked at her reflection. Lucy was right, this was Ben, the love of her life. He was always sweet to her and her family. They did talk about having kids after all.

After giving herself a thumbs up, Claudia opened the door to the bathroom only to be scared by Ben himself. "Sorry, I just came to see if you were okay."

"I'm okay . . I actually have something to tell you. It's very important so it can't wait." Claudia took his hand and led him to their shared bedroom.

She had hid the pregnancy test in her bag. Ben watched as Claudia took the stick into her hands then gave it to him. He took one look at it and instantly felt like he was the luckiest man alive.

"I've been worrying all day because of this. I didn't know how to tell you. I mean I've seen videos of women surprising their partner with cute baby clothes or the dog having a sign that says they're going to be a big brother, but we don't have a dog and I was too lazy to buy baby clothes sooo. . ." Claudia shyly admitted.

"You're so cute. But guess what?" Ben smiled widely.


"Our baby's going to be cuter."

Claudia playfully hit him several times before Ben grabbed her arm and brought her into a hug. He gently lifted her up then set her on their bed. Laying next to each other, Claudia took the test and stared at it.

"You're going to be a dad." Claudia said, still not believing the little plastic stick.

"Yeah, and you're going to be the best mom ever." Ben kissed her cheek repeatedly until Claudia got annoyed.

"You're lucky I love you." Claudia teased as she kissed his lips.

"Yeah? You better."

An: sorry besties we skipping some months because babies take too long to get here smh the audacity of those gremlins 🤨

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