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enjoy some headcanons I've had in my notes for a while :)

• claudia's first word was steve. Janis was trying to get her to say stevie since they were listening to Fleetwood mac, but Claudia said steve instead.

• she went on one date with robbie from art class, but didn't go on the second date because he thought she was boring.

• janis would often bring claudia to work because she couldn't afford a babysitter.

• janis has two small tattoos: claudia's birthday on her wrist and a heart with an eye in the middle on her above her knee.

• ben and claudia love to sleep in on sunday mornings when they can. then ben would get up and make them both some lunch since they get up at 12 PM.

• lucy is esme's godmother. when ben and claudia told her, she cried and made them swear they wouldn't tell anyone that she cried.

• lucy often babysits esme. she didn't think she would love any other baby other than her nieces and nephews.

• speaking of lucy's family, esme has met grandma liliana and even got a hand knitted baby hat from her for christmas.

• janis takes esme to record stores on fridays and spends the rest of the day with esme watching cartoons so ben and claudia can have some time to themselves or just sleep.

• edward bought esme a squirtle plush that she keeps in janis' house.

• ben's parents always send gifts just for esme.

• claudia took a year off from teaching since ben was going to be busy filming and doing press so she stayed home to take care of esme.

• a week before she was set to return, claudia wanted her kids to meet esme so she asked the principal if she could visit her kids and brought esme with her.

• michael almost cried because he was so happy to see his favorite teacher be an actual mom after years of being a mom to the students.

• sad headcanon time!

• josephine (student from the bonus chapter) is the student who wrote the essay that claudia had hung up in her classroom. . . she never got to graduate

• she was in attendance for jo's funeral and still visits her grave.

• when jo was supposed to graduate, claudia gave a speech, but had to make it short because principal howard wanted to get the ceremony over with.

• claudia made sure jo's original seat had a bouquet of flowers and her graduation cap on top.

• okay enough sadness . . .

• nate obviously met esme, but he was quiet around her because he thinks he doesn't deserve to meet her.

• and i can't forget about baby barnes #2 my boy alexanderrrrr

• he is basically ben's twin

• he loves his dad and loves to pull his hair. lucy even cheers when baby alex pulls his dad's hair.

• alex once thought that andrew was ben so whenever ben would pick him up, alex started crying and whenever andrew picked him up, alex laughed and cuddled up to him.

• that went on for three months.

• alex's godmother is one again lucy, but this time his godfather is andrew.

• esme and alex are opposites. esme is sometimes loud and sassy while alex is quiet and shy.

• when claudia is on her summer break, ben takes her and the kids to the cottage he bought in england or literally any other place they can spend as a family.

• lucy once convinced ben and claudia to let her babysit both kids with andrew. long story short, they ended up in a harry styles concert. ben only found out because people were tagging him on twitter and he saw pictures of andrew, lucy and the kids at a concert.

• for claudia and ben's honeymoon, lucy reminded ben of their deal about going on each others honeymoon . . . so ben let her because when he makes a deal with lucy, it needs to happen.

• it wasn't that bad. lucy just got lost a couple of times, she almost fought an old lady and she ended up with a broken wrist.

• the only reason andrew didn't go was because he was filming but lucy kept him updated through texts

• "update: i may have broken a bone."

• "update: ben us no w tsklfing mme 2 d 🏥"

• lucy couldn't text andrew anymore update because she sucks at typing with one hand and also because she took a three hour nap.

• and finally, edward and layna moved in with janis. layna refused to take claudia's old room because she didn't want to upset her so edward and janis decided to remodel the house and add an extra room for layna.

an: i definitely have more headcanons but for now, these are it!!

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