Chapter 10 - Into the darkness

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"Wow, I- I don't even know what to say. Lila buried you and Darcy alive?!" William was in disbelief over hearing of what happened to Anne and Darcy. "Yes," Anne answered. "And Darcy is what I feared she'd be," William frowned. "She just needs proper guidance. She didn't get that when Lila buried her. When we help her, she will stay here with me so that I can train her to properly balance her witch and her banshee," Anne said, "I find it a bonus to spend some one on one with her as well."

"You said you knew how to help her?" Thomas asked wanting to get right to the helping her part. "Oh yes. What happened in that house... it cannot be repeated," Anne said, "When I overpowered her wail with my own, I tired her out. Before she fell unconscious, however, she said two words that gave me an idea on how to help her." "What?" Roman asked. "'Wake me'," Anne repeated her daughters words.

They all tried to understand it, and Anne chuckled. "Before you three left, I told you the Darcy you all know isn't present because she's dormant," Anne said. "So you think that half of her personality is asleep?" William asked. "Exactly, it is something that all creatures like banshees and Lycans face. Their more bestial forms taking over," Anne confirmed, "The half of her personality that made her sweet and docile is either asleep or locked away. Someone has to wake her."

"How do we do that?" Penny asked. "You won't be able to do anything, unfortunately. The way we can help her, is to send someone's conscious into hers to wake her up or break her free," Anne explained.

"What? Isn't that dangerous?" Roman frowned. "Only to her memories, but I won't be sending them in there. Whoever goes in, will be in her dreams," Anne explained, "However, I cannot be Roman cause he doesn't sleep for long, and it cannot be you Penny because she's seen you the most recently."

"So it's up to Thomas?" Penny asked. "I was more or less thinking William to be the one to go in," Anne corrected, "He's the only real parent figure she had. There's the added bonus that she hasn't seen you in person in years."

"If it gets her out of that cell, then I'll do it," Willam agreed. "Alright, we must get you both to the ritual room. The sooner her human- we'll witch- side is back in control, the better. You must prepare. A ritual like this could take hours. It will help if you're already tired, but I have a potion that will place you in a deep sleep as well," Anne said getting up.

She walked over to her cabinet and pulled a syringe out of a drawer. "I already have the potion for her prepared," She said holding it up. She walked over to Alyssa, "I need you to take these two banshees to Darcy's cell. Even if she's still unconscious, they need to give this to her. Once they do wait at least 5 minutes before you guide them to the ritual room. Okay?" "Yes, Ma'am," Alyssa said leaving the office with the two banshees that Anne pointed to.

"What's that going to do?" Thomas asked. "It's going to put Darcy in a deep sleep," Anne explained, "And open her mind to allow William in." "Okay, I'm ready," Willam said sure of himself, "I'll take the potion if I have to, let's just get it over with so I can see her."

"Very well," Anne sighed, but secretly she was happy to see William so ready to help bring their daughter back from the brink. However, she had to remain her control for the ritual. No time to stand on family reunion while Darcy is the way she is.

Anne led them down the hallway to the ritual room. It was round and everyone could feel the magic circulating. There were symbols carved into the ground in a circle and Penny smiled feeling the most at home in the room. Small braziers dimly lit up the area, but the symbols and the lines connecting them were also glowing.

"What? What are those symbols?" Roman asked. "The middle is the sigil of the White Lotus Coven, so only a member who wears the symbol can cast in here. Those other symbols represent-," "The elements," Penny smiled interrupting Anne, "Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Spirit. Nature's gifts to our kind."

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